Chapter 25

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The next morning Melanie woke up in an incredibly good mood. She took a shower and put on her school robes. With Christmas break around the corner and Milos presence there was no way Melanie would focus on her lessons. She ran over to the boys dormitories, stopping in front of Milos door. She knocked on it a couple of times and waited for Milo to get up and open it. The door to Fred and George's room swung open and the two twins emerged looking incredibly sleepy.

"Morning Mel." George said as he let out a loud yawn. "Why are you in your school robes?"

"Why aren't you? We still have lessons today you know."

"Oh we know. It's just more comfortable to have breakfast like this." George shrugged. Fred walked up to Melanie and hugged her lightly.

"Hello Love." He said as he nuzzled his head into her neck.

"Hey Freddie." She replied looking back up at him as they pulled away from the hug."How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I had this dream of a blue eyed girl and she was so beautiful I wish I didn't have to wake up. But now she's standing here before me looking even better than she did in my dream."

Melanie was a bit startled by Fred's answer and she felt her cheeks going very red.

Luckily Milo opened the door. He was wearing a grey pair of shorts. He was extremely muscular with a defined back and broad shoulders. Even though he just woke up his arms looked extremely pumped and his abs were very visible. He had tattoos that started on his back and wrapped all the way around his shoulders, chest and upper arms.

"Good Morning!" Melanie said happily. Fred and George standing behind her.

"Morning." Milo grumbled, he was definitely not a morning person. "What's with the welcome committee and why are you dressed in a sexy catholic school girl costume?"

Fred started choking frantically at that comment and George let out a laugh.

"You're alright mate, we're just heading down to breakfast." George exclaimed amused at how red Fred's face has gotten.

"I'll see you down there in a sec guys." Melanie said before she stepped into Milos room.

"Why do you have to be like this." She sighed disapprovingly.

"Like what?" He said nonchalantly. "Oh come on Princess it was just a little joke to get Fred's energy levels up."

"Energy levels, pfft more like jealousy levels. Regardless, it didn't work."

"No? Because I'm certain he'd like to see me stepping back through that portal right about now." He laughed as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on a black vest. "So are you two official now?"

"Oh stop it, nothing has changed since yesterday." She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to date him. We're just friends."

"Since when do friends lay in each others embrace on the sofa?"

"We weren't embracing each other. I just leaned up against him. He gave me a really thoughtful gift and I wanted to say thank you."

"Oh I heard you say thank you alright." Milo smirked.

Melanie widened her eyes slightly. "I don't know what you mean." She said carelessly.

"You know exactly what I mean. That little midnight make out session." He replied as he crossed his arms on his chest."They're only a couple doors down and what can I say, my door is very thin Princess." He shrugged comically.

"Shut up and let's go down to breakfast."

"Fine let me put some tracksuits on."

"Take a jumper too. We wouldn't want all that on display."

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