Chapter 31

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George and Melanie were sat on the sofa talking when Fred finally came downstairs.

"Hey what took you so long?" Asked George.

"Er I just had to wash something off my face." He said quietly.

George chuckled as he got up from the sofa. "Mel do you want some firewhiskey?"

"Sure I can try some." She said hesitantly. George brought her a cup and she drank it, nearly coughing up the liquid in the process. Fred chuckled as he looked at her.

"Maybe we should get you some juice?" He said comically.

"No I'm good. It just takes a second for the burning to go down."

"That's why it's called firewhiskey love." He said with a soft smile.

"Isn't fire like your thing?" George smirked.

"Shut up the both of you." She chuckled as she took another sip.

"All right." George said as he got up. " time to charm all the ladies." He walked over to a group of girls and started up a conversation.

"What about you Mr Weasley?" She said sarcastically.

"What about me?" He said as he put his arm around her.

"Would you not rather get up and go mingle with others?"

"The only one I care about mingling with is you." He said softly as he placed a kiss on her lips. "Wanna dance?"

"Oh no it's definitely too early for dancing." She chuckled.

They got some more drinks and soon were joined by the trio. Harry and Ron were having a great time and even Hermione relaxed a bit more. Melanie felt the alcohol hitting her system, but she didn't mind it. Fred got up to get her some water but was stopped by George and Angelina. He wanted to excuse himself but Melanie nodded at him as a sign that it's alright. She moved over to Hermione.

"So you having fun?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah actually, this juice that George gave me is really great."

Melanie looked at Hermione suspiciously and took the cup out of her hand and lifted it up to her nose.

"I'm pretty sure this is alcohol Mione." She chuckled.

"What? I'm not drinking this! Oh that damn Weasley!" She replied angrily. She was just about to chuck the cup when Melanie reached for it.

"Woah woah. Don't waste it now." She said as she downed the drink.

"Mione! Melanie!" Lavender shouted from across the room. "Come dance!"

"Oh no thanks we don't-" Melanie started as Parvati came up to them and grabbed their hands to pull them on the dance floor. Harry and Ron started laughing at that sight. Melanie turned around to Harry quickly and said "I'll get you next time Potter."

"Oh this is one of my favourite muggle songs!" Exclaimed Lavender. Melanie felt the electronic dance music of ABBA's 'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!' buzz around in her body. She took off her jacket and plopped it on the sofa next to Harry.

Melanie knew this song very well, she would often dance to it in her room or at the Bronze. She closed her eyes and started swaying to the music, feeling the alcohol in her veins. The girls danced happily to the song and Melanie thought she noticed Ron staring at Hermione a couple of times. She couldn't see Fred anywhere but she didn't mind. Right now she wanted to throw her head back and be consumed by the song.

Soon most of the party started to join in the dance and Melanie felt Lavender pull her hand as they stepped on the top of a coffee table. They were giggling as they danced together.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now