Chapter 7

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"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have been standing so close to the door." Said the girl. She had pale skin, full and plump rosy lips, long vanilla blond hair and big ocean blue eyes. Fred stood there for a second just looking at her until he recognised the trench coat from earlier. This is the girl that arrived with Dumbledore. She looks nothing like what he pictured in his head. She took a step back which brought Fred out of his thoughts.

"Are you lost?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so. I'm supposed to see Professor McGonagall." She replied looking down at the letter in her hands.

"You're in the right place. Just through those doors." He said glancing behind his shoulder. "Just make sure to not tumble into anyone on the other side."

"Will do, thanks."


She smiled as she made her way towards the door once again. "Try using cold water and vinegar. If you hurry you're more likely to get the stain out."

Fred who forgot all about the ink spill on his crotch all of a sudden started to blush and put his hands in front of himself to try and cover up the stain.

"Right, yeah will do, thanks..?" he trailed off looking at the girl again.

"Melanie." She responded as she disappeared behind the door.

"Yes?" Said the witch at the front of the classroom. All the heads turned around to look at the newcomer. Melanie felt her whole body tense up and made her way to the front of the classroom avoiding everyone's gaze.

"Professor Dumbledore sent me here with a letter." She stated as she handed the letter over to McGonagall who opened it and started to read it.

"Who is that girl?" Asked Lee as he turned around to George, Angelina and Alicia

"Probably a new student." Shrugged Alicia as she started to pack away her things into her bag.

"Bit late to be catching the Hogwarts express. Don't you think?" Said Angelina as she was looking the girl up and down.

"She didn't come by train." George said without a second thought. The three turned around to look at him with raised eyebrows. Seeing their puzzled faces George continued. "Me and Fred saw her earlier in the courtyard. She and Dumbledore stepped out of a portal."

"You mean they apparated."

"No, I mean a big blue portal appeared in the middle of the courtyard and they stepped out of it." George said directly to Angelina. The Bell rang and they started to get up to leave for their last lesson of the day.

"She's pretty don't you think?" Alicia said as the four of them left the classroom.

"Personally I didn't pay any attention to that." Said George as he noticed Fred walking towards them. He had changed into different trousers but there were still a few ink blotches on his shirt.

"What did you not pay attention to Georgie?"

"The new girl, the one we saw earlier with Dumbledore. Alicia thinks she's pretty and I was just saying I didn't really notice."

"Ah you mean Melanie." He replied, earning puzzled faces from the four of them. Angelina was just about to say something when Fred continued. "I bumped into her as I was leaving class to clean the mess." George and Lee started snickering again."She said she was looking for McGonagall so I just pointed her to the right direction." He shrugged and planted a kiss on Angelina's head as he walked back into the classroom to get his things.

Him and Angelina have been dating since April in their 4th year. Fred liked her, she was a good friend all round, great quidditch player, quite pretty and her and Fred got along quite well. One of the worse qualities was that Angelina could get extremely jealous, Fred didn't really understand why but he figured that's just how some girls are. Last year she expressed her feelings for Fred and they decided to start dating. He walked into the classroom and started to pack his things away when he noticed McGonagall talking to Melanie.

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