Chapter 15

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It was Halloween and Melanie's first official feast in the great hall. It was also officially a month since she started her education at Hogwarts. Melanie was thinking about Dawn and Milo and how terribly she missed everyone. She didn't want to bother McGonagall with letters but she couldn't hold it in any longer. She decided to write 2 letters, one for Buffy and Dawn and the second for Milo. Halloween made her think about Christmas and how she wouldn't be able to go back to Sunnydale- she already felt guilty relying on Dumbledore to send these letters out yet alone portal her back and forth in the span of 2 weeks. Melanie already finished Buffys letter and she still had about 20 minutes before she had to go see Professor Snape so she decided to quickly write a letter to Milo.

Dear Milo,

I'm sorry I haven't written to you sooner, I needed time to get settled down. Hogwarts is amazing, the castle is enormous and I had to get used to all the magic around here. They have ghosts floating around the halls, moving paintings, the dining hall is enchanted to mimic the sky outside. There's also so many creatures I've never seen before, and we both know I've seen my fair share of beasts. I've made a couple of friends here. They're all really great and I get along with them quite well, there's Harry, Hermione, Cedric, Ron and his older twin brothers Fred and George. Those two are honestly something. They spend their days playing pranks on teachers and just all round cause mischief around the castle. The lessons are challenging but Hermione and Cedric help me out a lot in the library. Cedric reminds me a lot of you and I think that's another reason why I enjoy being around him so much. I wish I could see you at Christmas. It just makes sense to stay here at Hogwarts, I wouldn't want to be a burden for Professor Dumbledore. Plus I honestly don't think I could be in the house with all of my memories of Spike.

I think you will be happy to know that I have resumed my training and boy was it about time. I still can't bend and honestly I don't think that will be changing anytime soon. Professor Snape regularly fries my brain in order to bring it back, but all I've gained from it so far are terrible migraines. How is your training going? Have you gone back to Hell or have you stuck around in Sunnydale?

I miss you terribly and I wish you were here.
Write soon.

Love, Melanie

Ps. Could you by any chance find my copy of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and send it over with your reply? Fred has recently developed an interest in all my muggle books and I think he would really like it.

Melanie took the letters and put them into the pockets of her robes. She noticed the time and rushed out towards the dungeons. Todays session with Snape was just as awful as the first one. Professor Snape dug deep into her thoughts and pulled out snippets of her memories with Spike. Not only did that hurt her head but it also tugged at her heartstrings. She spent most of the session crying until Snape finally let her go.

"Professor." Melanie said as she weakly got up from the chair "Could you please give me something for the dizziness? Last time I couldn't even walk up the stairs and all my friends got extremely worried."

"It will pass." He shrugged.

"Sir." She said firmly. " I already have issues with explaining why I come here every Friday and I don't want to give them another reason to be suspicious."

"Very well." He replied as he went over to his potions cabinet and pulled out a vial. "It will take about 10 minutes to start working. I'll let the headmaster know you're going to be late."

Melanie stumbled outside of the classroom and sat on a bench in the corridor. She drank the potion, closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall as she waited for the potion to take effect.

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