Chapter 9

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Melanie spent all of Saturday with Harry. Ron and Hermione went to Hogsmeade and even though she needed to get more robes she didn't want to leave the castle on her second day. At first Harry seemed upset about not being able to go but he played it off in front of Ron and Hermione.

After a while he cheered up. Him and Melanie got along extremely well. He spent the whole day showing her the castle and walking her around the grounds. He introduced her to Hagrid, who made them a cup of tea and told them how he has a big treat for them next lesson in his Magical Creatures class. Melanie was particularly fascinated by the lake. Her eyes almost sprinkled with excitement when Harry told her about the merpeople living down there. After showing her the quidditch pitch they went back into the castle. Harry felt normal around Melanie. She didn't ask him about his scar, she didn't bother him about Sirius Black and he felt he could be himself around her. Just Harry, and not 'the boy who lived'.

After spending most of the day with him, Melanie felt drained. She hasn't been this social in a while. She went up to her dorm and decided to read a little before dinner. Soon she felt her eyelids get heavy and she dozed off.

Melanie woke up, and looked at the clock on Hermione's bedside table. She got up and rushed out of the common room. She was supposed meet the group for dinner around 20 minutes ago. She was making a turn around a corridor when she collided with someone.

"Shit, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." She said apologetically. The boy she had just bumped into had dark hair and bright grey eyes.

"It's alright." He scanned her up and down as he smiled. "Sorry where are my manners, I'm Cedric Diggory." He reached out his hand to shake hers.

"Melanie Summers."

"Nice to meet you Melanie. Headed down to dinner?"

"Yeah I just sort of still get mixed up it's only my second day."

"Ah in that case let me show you the way." He shot Melanie a dashing smile as he turned around and gestured for her to follow.

When they got to the great hall Melanie realised that Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't there. She saw Fred, George, Angelina, Alicia and Lee sitting at the Gryffindor table, but after the events of last night she didn't want to join. It was best to keep her distance.

"You alright?" Cedric asked as he turned towards Melanie.

"Yeah I just can't see Hermione. I guess she already ate." Melanie replied as she sharply inhaled some air and sat down at the end of the table. Not even 10 seconds have passed and Cedric sat down next to her.

"What? You can't expect me to let you eat alone." He said as he poured some pumpkin juice for the both of them. Melanie just smiled as some shepherds pie appeared before her and she helped herself to a serving.

"Why aren't you eating?" She asked as she noticed Cedric's plate was empty and he was just sat there looking at her.

"I already ate actually." A warm but somewhat goofy smile appeared on his face.

"Oh my god. Why didn't you say anything earlier. I'm sorry I'm wasting your evening." She rambled.

"Don't be sorry, and it's not a waste of my evening. I enjoy talking to you. I'm having a great time."

Melanie looked at him, not really convinced.

"Honestly." He added, as he took another sip of pumpkin juice.

They spent the rest of dinner chatting and getting to know each other. Not paying attention to the time and the people around. However Melanie couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching her.

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