Chapter 37

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Melanie's face went pale and she couldn't hear anything except for the beating of her own heart. Draco let go of the letter and she opened it back up. Harry peaked over her shoulder.

Melanie looked over at the parchment. She scanned its contents quickly but one particular section caught Melanie's attention. 'After the incident in the Gryffindor tower I have done some research and I can confirm that Sirius Black has left this dimension for a significant period of time before he betrayed James and Lily Potter. Back in his school days before he became one of the most notorious murders, Sirius often went against his family's beliefs and showed it at every opportunity that  he got. I am afraid to say that it is likely that your speculations are correct Mr Lewis and that he is in fact Melanie's biological father.'

"You're a Black?" Harry asked, startled by what he just read. "But how-?" He started as he looked up at Malfoy.

"Sirius is my mothers cousin." Draco said looking directly at Melanie. "I knew there was something about you. Although the sorting hat must have made a mistake placing you in Gryffindor. But then again a daughter of a blood traitor, maybe it's a good thing." He remarked.

"Fuck off Malfoy." Harry snapped.

Melanie was trying to process this new information. She started to space out until she felt Harry's hand on her back. She turned around to him and tried to formulate the right words.

"Harry. Erm. Go and join the others. I'll be right back."

"Mel? Are you sure?"

"Yes Harry please, and don't mention this to anyone."

"How the hell do I not. They have eyes you know." Draco scoffed under his nose. "Shut it Malfoy." He growled.

"Tell them we had an issue with our potions project." She said firmly. Harry nodded and reluctantly made his way to the Gryffindor table. Melanie grabbed Dracos wrist and started to lead him away from the great hall but he stopped abruptly.

"And what makes you think I'm going to skip my dinner?"

"The fact that you stole this letter from me and read it behind my back." She snapped.

"It wasn't addressed to you. So who really did steal it?" He remarked.

Melanie walked up to the edge of the Gryffindor table and picked up a green apple. As she lifted her eyes she saw Harry talk to Fred. He didn't seem too convinced by Harry's excuse. Melanie turned around and forced the apple into Dracos hand.

"There. Bon Appétit." She said as she dragged Draco into the library. She sat him down in a chair and leaned against a desk in front of him. "Talk."

Draco chuckled. "What is there to talk about?"

"Everything you know about Sirius Black."

"If you want to know just read the prophet. He's a murderer, blood traitor and got disowned by the family. There's not much else to it." He shrugged. "He always went against the family in any way he could. How amusing that he went out of his way to knock up a filthy muggle, without even marrying her."

"My mother isn't a filthy muggle." Melanie growled.

"No? That's interesting. When I was little my mother and aunt Bellatrix used to spend their evenings talking about how Sirius could potentially be more dangerous than we all thought. This was before he murdered those 12 muggles, then again that's not really a bad thing. That he created something extremely powerful that could with their guidance help the Dark Lord. But if you're not half muggle. What are you? I already know your eyes glow, and that's not something you get from us."

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