Chapter 17

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Melanie awoke the next day a bit later than usual. She couldn't remember the last time she slept this long. She looked around the room to see three empty beds. The girls must have already woken up and had breakfast. She got dressed in some black cargo trousers,a grey top and her scarlet Gryffindor hoodie. She put her hair up into a ponytail and went down to the hall for breakfast.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins were sitting at the Gryffindor table finishing up their breakfast as they saw Melanie walk in.

"There you are sleepyhead. We thought we'd have to drag you out of bed in time for the match." George said as he smiled at the blonde.

"You're still playing? But it's thundering outside." She said as she put a couple of pancakes on her plate.

"Oh don't you know?" George lowered his voice. "You can't cancel quidditch" he said in a jokingly way and the rest of them erupted into laughter. Melanie looked around at them puzzled.

"It's just a little joke love." Fred said "Quidditch games are rarely ever cancelled due to bad weather. Last year when the basilisk was petrifying students McGonagall cancelled the game and Wood was trying to drown himself in the showers as a result." He explained amused at the memory of the previous year.

Melanie chuckled lightly and returned to eating her breakfast, every so often glancing over at Fred.

"Harry are you okay? You've barely eaten anything?" She asked turning around to him as she took a sip of her juice.

"Yeah I just don't know how I'll manage to spot the snitch." He sighed.

"I'm sure you'll do great, you're an excellent flyer." She replied comfortingly.

"Oh Harry this reminds me your goggles." Hermione said as she passed them to Harry. "I cast the impervius charm on them so that you'll be able to see clearly."

"Thanks Mione, you're the best." He replied as he and the twins got up from the table.

Fred leaned over next to Melanie's ear and whispered, "If you don't want to you don't have to come. I get that the weather isn't great."

"No of course I'll be right out. I Just need to get a jacket so that I don't get completely drenched. Trust me I'll be cheering the loudest."

"I'm counting on it, you're my lucky charm." He shot her a wink as he walked off with Harry and George.

Ron, Hermione and Melanie were grabbing some jackets from their rooms before heading down to the pitch. Just as they were about to leave the castle a low voice stopped them.

"Miss Summers may I see you for a moment?" Professor Snape said as the three turned around.

"Go, save me a seat." Melanie said to Hermione as she walked towards Snape.

"Yes Professor?"

"As you know Professor Lupin has been off recently due to personal circumstances. Dumbledore has asked me to continue your physical training in Professor lupins absence."

"Alright, thank you for letting me know. I'll come down to the dungeons next Thursday then." She said slowly turning around back to the fields.

"Not so fast Miss Summers." He said. "I believe we should start right now."

"But Professor, the game?"

"The game is irrelevant as you're not a player Miss Summers. I suppose what you're wearing is adequate. Follow me."

Melanie groaned as she reluctantly followed Snape past the greenhouses and out of the castle. She couldn't believe she was going to miss the quidditch game, she promised Fred she'd be there. 'He probably won't even realise I'm not there' she thought. Snape waved his wand, resulting in a barrier between the rain and himself, so that he remained dry. Melanie did not have that privilege and was drenched from head to toe in a matter of seconds. They walked a little further and stopped near an old looking willow.

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