Chapter 12

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"So what did you think of charms Melanie?" Hermione asked as they were packing up their books.

"It was alright I guess. I really liked the Carpe Retractum spell. But honestly so far muggle studies might be my favourite, although I'm curious about potions. I meddled quite a bit with potions back home."

"Well I hate to burst your bubble but potions is by far the worst class." Said Ron.

"Well that's not true." Started Hermione. "Ron is just saying that because we have potions with the slytherins.As well as the fact that it's our last lesson of the day on fridays and Snape sometimes likes keeping us back." At that comment Ron rolled his eyes.

Melanie has survived her first week at Hogwarts. It has been very busy but in a good way. She spent most of her time after lessons in the library with Hermione and sometimes Cedric. But in the evenings she would enjoy sitting in the common room reading by the fireplace. She was yet to finish a chapter as the Weasley twins always seemed to be up to some mischief that they managed to entangle Melanie in. But she didn't mind,Fred and George were fun to hang around with and she enjoyed their company, although she was certain Angelina despised her for it.

The four of them walked down to the dungeons. They entered the classroom and sat down at a table.

"So you must be Miss Summers." A cold voice said behind Melanie as she turned around and saw a tall man dressed in black robes.

"Yes Professor." She said quietly.

"The headmaster has informed me of your.. situation. However I will not have that disturb other students' learning and I expect you to keep up. I feel like sitting with Potter and Weasley will not help you in any way. Might I suggest you pick up your bag and sit next to Mr Malfoy since at least he knows what he's doing when it comes to my lessons." He turned away and made his way to his potion cabinet.

"Of course." Melanie muttered through her teeth as she stood up. " Erm. Harry who's this Malfoy guy?" She asked scanning the room.

"Draco. The blonde with a bandage on his arm in the Slytherin robes at the back table." At that Melanie turned around and saw the guy Harry described. "He's a dick, don't let him try and intimidate you. If he says any nasty comments just try and not let it get to you." Harry added a bit angry at the fact Snape would throw Melanie right into the serpents mouth on her first lesson.

Melanie walked over to the back table, none of the people sitting at the table looked pleasant. But it would be fine, she thought, she dealt with a lot worse down in Hell. She placed her bag on the table and took a seat next to the blonde boy. He didn't even bother looking at her.

"This is my seat." A girl with black hair appeared next to Melanie as she knocked her bag off the table.

Melanie inhaled sharply. "Actually it's not." She said cooly. "Professor Snape instructed me to partner up with Malfoy so it looks like you'll have to find somewhere else to sit." She shrugged as she turned to pick up her bag from the floor, as she did she met the blonde boys gaze. He looked blankly at her, maybe slightly surprised at her response, but he didn't let that show.

"How dare you even talk to me like that!? Who do you think you are?" The girl said angrily. " Do you even know who I am?!"

"I'm Melanie and I don't care for who you are I'm just following instructions." She heard some boys at the table chuckle.

The girl looked pissed. It was almost comical at how she scrunched her face at Melanie's response.

"I'll give you instructions." She said fiercely as she knocked over Melanie's parchment. "How about you take your-"

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