Chapter 1

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To an outsider Melanie Summers had a relatively normal life. She was in her junior year at Sunnydale high school. She was bubbly, extroverted and beautiful. She lived with her two sisters- Buffy and Dawn. To her friends she had the perfect life. But the reality was that her life was anything other than perfect especially after the sun went down. Melanie and her sisters weren't exactly ordinary. Her older sister Buffy was the Slayer. The one and only girl destined to fight vampires and demons and other forces of evil. Her younger sister, Dawn on the other hand was the key. A concentration of energy that had the power to shatter the veil separating the hell dimensions. Melanie herself was a siren with beautiful big blue eyes, long blonde hair and a voice that caught everyone's attention the second Melanie started to sing. She was able to walk on land simply because she was a half breed. She didn't understand why the higher beings erased most of her memories and put her into the Summers household. Despite not being related by blood the Summers sisters grew close straight away and quickly became inseparable, but Melanie always had a lingering thought in the back of her head. She was a demon after all and she sometimes felt like she was being served to the slayer on a silver platter.

Melanie spent most of her evenings and nights out on patrol with Buffy and her group of friends to which she liked to refer as 'The Scooby Gang' She trained regularly and even though she was no slayer she could handle a stake pretty well. She enjoyed fighting, it gave her a thrill and allowed her to let out pent up emotions and energy.

After a couple months Melanie grew close to one person in particular. A vampire named Spike. Both being demons, she often confided in him. After many patrols with Spike the friendship turned into something more. 

One Night, Spike and Melanie were out on patrol, hunting a couple of vampires that were targeting young individuals.

"Why do I always have to be the bait?" Melanie asked somewhat annoyed looking down at the fluffy pink miniskirt Anya picked out for her to wear to attract the vamps.

"What ever do you mean pet?" Asked Spike clearly loving the skimpy little outfit his girlfriend was wearing.

"I look like a combination of a hooker and something you drink when you're nauseous."  Melanie scoffed, she preferred black jeans and a leather jacket rather than anything overly colourful.

Spike laughed at that comment. "Alright alright don't get cranky pet, come on let's take a breather." He said as he took off his long leather trench coat and laid it out on the ground next to a gravestone for them to sit on. Melanie loved that coat. Spike would often wrap it around her on their way back from the Bronze or when she fell asleep in his crypt. They sat there in the cemetery looking up at the stars, her head leaning on his shoulder. She could stay like this forever.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked breaking up the silence.

"Of course." He replied turning his head to look at her.

"The other day, why did Giles call you William?"

"Because that's my name pet" he said with a small smirk. "Well, William Pratt to be precise."

"Wait what?" Melanie moved suddenly and turned to look at Spike. In the years they've known each other it never occurred to her that Spike was just a nickname - it suited him well and she sort of just never questioned it. "Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?" She asked.

"Because.. I used to be called William the Bloody." She looked at him with raised eyebrows as he continued "because of my bloody awful romantic poetry."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes. So after I turned and.. did some things Spike just naturally fit who I became."

"Well I sort of like your name" she paused and then a little whisper came out "William."

"Say it again, louder." He said. Yes he hated that name but when she said it it felt different.

"What? Are you giving me a second chance to use it before I must never speak it again?" She smiled at him.

"No." He said. " It doesn't sound so bad when you say it. If you want you can call me William, I'll make an exception for you, and only you."

"Oh well.. I'm truly honoured William." She said with a smirk while leaning closer to him again and wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips.

"I love you."

"I love You too."

The sound of their kissing was drowned out by growling noises coming from behind them. Three vampires emerged from some bushes and attacked the pair. Spike immediately pushed Melanie aside and started to throw punches at the nearest vamp. Melanie got to her feet just in time as another vampire charged at her. She blocked his punch and started to fight him while looking around for the stake she misplaced while her and Spike were looking at the stars.

The vamp jumped her and pushed Melanie to the ground. She hit her head hard on a small gravestone. Before she had a second to compose herself the vamp pinned her up against a nearby tree. Melanie struggled to fight him off. Spike was surrounded by two other vampires at this point so she couldn't count on him for now. She had to think, she had to get out of the grip somehow. Before she could do anything she felt a piercing pain on her neck. That was it she thought as she felt the vampire drain her. She started to slip away but all of a sudden she felt energy coursing through her veins she opened her eyes which had gone from their deep blue colour to a blazing red. She let out a scream as she felt the energy burst out of her.

Spike finished off the other vampire and turned to see Melanie as she screamed, he saw her and couldn't believe his eyes. His girlfriend had just burned the vampire to dust with her bare hands.

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