Chapter 13

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Melanie left the dungeons and headed up the stairs to her common room. She felt weak and dizzy and she was relying heavily on the barriers of the stairs to help her walk. She was leaning against the walls of the corridor as she passed the entrance to the great hall. She stopped in front of the stairs as she sat down on the first step and groaned into her hands. She didn't know what time it was but the great hall seemed empty so it wasn't even dinner time yet. Thankfully there weren't many students around, they were probably in the common rooms relaxing after a long week of lessons.

"Hey Summers what are you doing sitting on the steps?" A voice asked, it sounded distorted. Melanie looked up at the person in front of her and all she could see were the grey eyes of the Hufflepuff boy.

"Cedric?" She asked weakly.

"Yeah who'd you think it was?- Summers what's wrong. You don't look good." He knelt down in front of her examining her face. She was extremely pale and drenched with sweat. She looked ill. "You need to go to the hospital wing Mel." He took her hands into his as he looked at her, worry painted all over his face.

"No Ced I'm fine. I just need to lay down. I just need to get to my dorm." She stood up a bit too quickly and a wave of dizziness flooded her brain again. She swayed backwards as she felt Cedric's arms grab a hold of her.

"Merlin Melanie. You're in no state to walk you need help."

"Cedric I'm fine. I promise. Snape said this will pass in a few hours. I just need to get to my common room." She groaned as she grabbed her head.

"Fine. But I'm not leaving you alone." He said as he let go of her for a second to pick up her bag from the stairs. He grabbed her by her waist as she placed her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest for support. They walked up the stairs slowly as Melanie felt herself slipping away into Cedric's arms. Everything was foggy apart from the piercing pain in her head.

"Summers." Cedric whispered as he looked down at the girl who was barely standing at this point. "We're here what's the password to your common room?"

"My what?" She said quietly.

"Your password. To get into the room"

"I don't remember... Urgh.. My head Cedric, it hurts."

"Yeah no shit Mel. I told you we should have gone to the hospital wing." As he said that the portrait swung open.

"Melanie! What the hell happened?!" Exclaimed Harry as he rushed out to the corridor. He was quickly followed by Fred and George. They were dressed in their quidditch robes.

"I don't know, I found her like this at the bottom of the staircase." Cedric replied as he tightened his grip on Melanie as she moved her head onto his chest. "She didn't want to go to the hospital wing and insisted on just going back to her room."

Fred's face went pale at the sight of Melanie. George immediately rushed to her free side and helped Cedric prop her over the portrait hole.

"I can take her from here." Fred said walking back into the common room.

"I got her." Cedric snapped back without even looking. Hermione, who was reading something on the sofa, shot up and rushed over to them. "Where's her room?" Cedric asked firmly.

"Just up there, come on." She replied, taking Melanie's bag off of Cedric's shoulder and carrying it herself.

Harry and the twins were about to follow them when Oliver came down from the boys dormitories and called them over, Alicia and Angelina already behind him.

"Get a move on you three we have practice. We have a match to win in a couple of weeks."

"Wood did you not see Melanie just now?! We can't leave her!" Exclaimed Harry.

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