Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 5

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Tatooine - Mos Espa

(Y/n, Anakin and the group stop at a fruit stand run by a jolly, but very poor, old lady named Jira)

Y/n: How are you feeling today, Jira?

Jira: The heat's never been kind to me, you know, Y/n!

Y/n: Well that's good.

Anakin: Guess what? I've found that cooling unit we've been searching for. It's pretty beat up, but we'll have it fixed up for you in no time, I promise.

Jira: You're fine kids.

Y/n: I'll take five pallies today.

(He looks at Padme)

Y/n: You'll like these...

(Y/n reaches in his pocket and comes up with four coins. He drops one. Qui-Gon picks it up, revealing for a moment, his lightsaber)

Y/n: Whoops, I thought I had more... Make that four, I'm not hungry.

(The wind picks up. Shop owners are starting to close up their shops as Jira gives them their pallies)

Jira: Gracious, my bones are aching... storm's coming on, Y/n, Annie. You two better get home quick.

(Y/n and Anakin look up at Qui-Gon)

Anakin: Do you have shelter?

Qui-Gon: We'll head back to our ship.

Y/n: Is it far?

Padme: On the outskirts.

Y/n: You'll never reach the outskirts in time... sandstorms are very, very dangerous.

Anakin: Come with us. Hurry!

(The group follows Anakin as she rushes down the windy street)

Slave Quarters

(The wind is blowing hard as Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Padme follow Y/n and Anakin down the street and into a slave hovel. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Artoo, and Padme enter a small living space)

Anakin: Mom! Mom! We're home.

Jar Jar: Dissen cozy.

(Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker, a warm, friendly woman of forty, enters from her work area and is startled to see the room full of people)

Shmi: Oh, my! Y/n, Annie, what's this?

Y/n: These are some friends. This is Padme, and... I don't know any of your names.

Qui-Gon: I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Jar Jar Binks.

(Artoo lets out a little beep)

Padme: ...and our droid, Artoo-Detoo.

Anakin: We're building a droid. You wanna see?

Shmi: Y/n! Anakin! Why are they here?

Y/n: A sandstorm. Listen.

(The wind howls outside)

Qui-Gon: The kids were kind enough to offer us shelter.

Anakin: Come on! Let us show you Threepio!

(Y/n and Anakin lead Padme into the other room. Artoo follows, beeping all the way. Qui-Gon takes five small capsules from his utility belt and hands them to Shmi)

Qui-Gon: I have enough food for a meal.

Shmi: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never get used to Y/n and Anakin's surprises.

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