Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 6

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Tatooine - Desert Race Arena

(In the Tatooine desert there is a vast arena. A large semi-circular amphitheatre that holds at least a hundred thousand people dominates the landscape. Large viewing platforms loom over the racetrack. A two-headed announcer describes the scene)

Fode/Beed: Toogi! Toogie!/Greetings! Toong mee cha kulkah du Boonta magi! tah oos azalus ooval Poddraces./We have perfect weather today for the Boonta classic. The most hazardous of all Podraces. That's absolutly right. And a big turnout here, from all corners of the Outer Rim territories. I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.

(On the left side of the tracks across from the grandstands, a line of Podracers emerges from the large hanger, surrounded by several crew members. Pods are pulled by a wide variety of creatures and are led by aliens carrying flags. The pilots stand facing the royal box)

Fode/Beed: La Yma beestoo!/Yes, there they are! I see Ben Quadinaros from the Tund system. Gasgano doowa newpa Ord Petrovia!/And Gasgano in thenew Ord Pedrovia. Two time winner, Boles Roor... Poo tula moosta, woe grane champio Sebulba du Pixelito! Splastyleeya bookie ookie!/On the front line the reigning champion, Sebulba from Pixelito. By far the favorite today. And a late entry, Anakin Skywalker, a local girl. Wampa peedunkee unko./I hope she has better luck this time. I see the flaggers are moving onto the track.

(Colorful canopies shade some of the spectators. Vendors sell barbecued creature parts and colorful drinks. All the pilots bow from the waist as Jabba the Hutt enters the box and waves to the crowd)

Fode/Beed: O grandio lust, Jabba Du Hutt, amu intoe tah parena./His honor, our glorious host, Jabba the Hutt has entered the arena.

(The crowd roars. Several other slug-luke hutts follow, along with humans and aliens. Several slave girls on a chain are led alongside Jabba)

Jabba: Chowbaso!/Welcome! Tam ka chee Boonta rulee ya, kee madda hodrudda du wundee. Sebulba tuta Pixelito...

(Sebulba, who is right next to Anakin, stands and waves to his fans. A small pep band plays as his fans wave and cheer. Y/n attaches the giant engins to Anakin's Pod with a long cable. Shmi gives Anakin a big hug and kiss. She looks at her right in the eye)

Shmi: Be safe.

Anakin: I will, Mom. I promise.

(She leaves as Anakin checks the cable hitches)

Jabba: ...Mawhonic tuta Hok, Teemto Pagalies tuta Moonus Mandel, Anakin Skywalker tuta Tatoonine...

(The crowd yells. Anakin waves to the crowd, as Jabba continues with his introductions. Sebulba moves over to one of Anakin's engines. Y/n and Jar Jar unhitch the Eopies, and Kitster leads them away. Artoo beeps that everything is ok. Jar Jar pats Anakin on the back)

Jar Jar: Dis berry loony, Annie. May da guds be kind, mesa palo.

(Y/n walks up and gives Anakin a little kiss on the cheeek. Sebulba bangs on a part protruding from Anakin's engine. He looks around to see if anyone has noticed)

Y/n: Goodluck Anakin. Kick Sebulba butt.

Anakin: I won't let you down.

(Y/n moves away as Sebulba edges his way next to Anakin and gives her a sinister grin)

Sebulba: Bazda wahota, shag. Dobiella Nok. Yoka to Bantha poodoo./You won't walk away from this one, slave scum! You're Bantha poodoo.

Anakin: Cha skrundee da pat, sleemo./Don't count on it, slime-ball.

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