Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Chapter 3

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(Anakin miraculously lands on top of the Bounty Hunter's speeder. The speeder wobbles under the impact. Zam looks upand realizes what has happened. Zam takes off, and Anakin slides to the back strut and almost slips off, but manages to hang on. She works her way back to Zam, who, caught off guard, briefly changes into her clawdite form. Zam stops suddenly, and Anakin flies forward to the left front fork. Zam shoots at her with a laser pistol. There is a blast near Anakin's hand, which breaks off a piece of the speeder.

Anakin slides to the right fork of the speeder, where Zam can't reach her. She scrambles to the top, holding onto an air scoop. Y/n has jumped into the driver's seat of his speeder and is deftly gaining on the rogue speeder with Obi-Wan still remaining on the passengers seat. The two speeders dive through on coming traffic and then through cross traffic. Finally, Anakin is able to get hold of her lightsaber and starts to cut her way through the roof of the speeder. Zam takes out her laser pistol and starts firing at the helpless jedi, knocking the sword out of her hand.

Obi-Wan races under the speeder and catches the Jedi weapon in the passenger's seat. Anakin sticks her hand into the cockpit and, using the Force, pulls the gun out of Zam's hand. She grabs Anakin's hand, and they struggle for the weapon. It goes off, blowing a hole in the floor of the speeder. The speeder careens wildly out of control. Zam struggles to pull the speeder outof its nose dive. Y/n and Obi-Wan get slowed down by traffic and lose the sight of the Bounty Hunter's speeder. Just as the speeder is about to nose dive into the ground, Zam pulls it out, and it slides hard on the pavement in a shower of sparks. Anakin goes flying into the street)


(Zam exits the crashed speeder and runs. Anakin picks herself up off the pavement and runs after her down the very crowded street. It's the seedy underbelly of the city. Broken sidewalks, garish lights reflected in filthy puddles. It's pretty crowded with various alien low-lifes, panhandling droids, and the occasional group of upperclass slummers. Anakin barges into several of them as she chases after the fleeing Zam.

She loses the Bounty Hunter in the crowd, then sees her again. The young Jedi is having a very difficult time getting through the crowd. Ahead, Zam turns in through a door and disappears. A nightclub sign is flashing over the door. Y/n lands the speeder in the nearby street. He gets out with Obi-Wan and runs through the crowd toward Anakin. Anakin is just about to follow Zam into the nightclub when Obi-Wan and Y/n catch up to her)

Y/n: Anakin!

Anakin: She went into that club.

Obi-Wan: Patience. Use the Force, Anakin. Think.

Anakin: Sorry, Master.

Y/n: He went in there to hide, not run.

Obi-Wan: You're right.

(Obi-Wan hands Anakin her lightsaber)

Obi-Wan: Here. Next time try not to lose it.

(Anakin reaches for the lightsaber)

Obi-Wan: A Jedi's saber is his most precious possession...

Anakin: Yes, Master.

Obi-Wan: They must keep it with them at all times.

Anakin: I know, Master.

(Obi-Wan grabs hold of Anakin's lightsaber again)

Obi-Wan: This weapon is your life.

Anakin: I've heard this lesson before...

(Obi-Wan finally holds out the lightsaber and Anakin grabs it)

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