Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 9

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Naboo - Space

(A giant dogfight ensues. Y/n and Anakin's fighters fly into space above Naboo. Artoo beeps a worried concern)

Y/n: The Autopilot is searching for what other ships?

(Artoo beeps and whistles)

Y/n: There is no manual override, Artoo. You'll have to rewire it or something.

(Artoo chirps that he's trying)

Anakin: Y/n, look! There they are!

Y/n: That's where the autopilot is taking us.

(Anakin and Y/n's fighters fly toward the Federation Battleship)

Theed - Power Generator Pit

(The Sith lord drives the Jedi out of the hanger and nto the power generator area next door. Three swords are crossed in an intense display of swordmanship. The Jedi and the Sith lord fight their way across the narrow bridge of the Theed power generator. Darth Maul jumps onto the bridge above them. The Jedi follow, one in front of the Sith lord and one behind. They continue their sword fight)


(Padme, Capt. Panaka, Eirtae, Sabe and their troops are trapped in a hallway by battle droids)

Padme: We don't have time for this, Captain.

Capt. Panaka: Let's try the outside stairway.

(Capt. Panaka blasts a hole in the window, and they make their way outside the building onto a ledge about six stories above a raging waterfall. Sabe, Eirtae and about twenty Naboo soldiers stay in the hallway to hold off the battle droids. Padme, Capt. Panaka, and about ten other Naboo soldiers are lined up along the edge. They have pulled small attachments out of their pistols and fire at a ledge about four stories above them. Thin cables shoot out of the pistols and are embedded into the ledge. Padme, Capt. Panaka, and the others begin to climb up the wall)

Grass Plains

(The Gungan army is no match for the destroyer droids. Jar Jar tries to run from the battle droids)

General Ceel: Retreat! Retreat!

(The Gungans begin to turn and run, on foot, on their kaadu, and in wagons. Jar Jar attempts to escape on a wagon of energy balls but only manages to unhitch the back gate, causing all of the energy balls to roll out of the wagon and down the hill.

Jar Jar scrambles to avoid being hit by one of the balls. Four destroyer droids aren't so lucky. They get blasted by the energy balls. The Gungans renew their attack on the droid army. Jar Jar's bumbling destroys several more destroyer droids)


(Y/n and Anakin find themselves in the middle of the space battle. A ship explodes behind them)

Y/n: Whoa!

Anakin: This is tense!

Y/n: This is insane!

(He looks forward to see enemy ships approaching head on)

Y/n: Oh! Artoo, Arthree get us off Autopilot!

(Artoo and Arthree scream a reply)

Anakin: We've got control?

(Y/n and Anakin fip switches)

Y/n: Okay, Annie, let's go left!

(Y/n moves the controls left and the ship responds, turning left with Anakin following Y/n)

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