Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Chapter 2

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(An armor-clad bounty hunter, Jango Fett, waits on the ledge of a skyscraper as another bounty hunter, Zam Wesell, a changeling, steps from her hovering speeder and approaches Fett)

Zam: I hit the ship, but they used a decoy.

Jango: We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. My client is getting impatient.

(Fett hands Zam a transparent tube about a foot long containing centipede-like Kouhuns)

Jango: Take these. Be careful. They're very poisonous.

(Zam attaches her veil across the bottom of her face. She turns to leave, but Fett calls her back)

Jango: Zam, there can be no mistakes this time.

(Zam turns again, and walks toward her speeder)


(Mace Windu and Yoda walk down the long hallway, silhouetted by a lit room at the end)

Windu: Why couldn't we see this attack on the Senator?

Yoda: Masking the future, is this disturbance in the Force.

Windu: The prophecy is coming true, the Dark Side is growing.

Yoda: And only those who have turned to the Dark Side can sense the possibilities of the future.

Windu: It's been ten years, and the Sith still have yet to show themselves.

Yoda: ...Out there, they are. A certainty that is.

(There is a long silence as they walk away. Only footsteps are heard)


(Anakin is standing in the living room. She is in a meditative state. It is quiet then she hears two pairs of distant footsteps in the corridor outside the apartment casuing Anakin's eyes to pop open. Her eyes dart around the room. She reaches for her lightsaber, then smiles and puts it back in her belt. The door to the apartment slides open, Y/n and Obi-Wan enters)

Y/n: Captain Typho has more than enoughmen downstairs. No assassin will try that way.

Obi-Wan: Any activity up here?

Anakin: Quiet as a tomb. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her.

(Obi-Wan checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of R2 by the door, but no sign of Padme on the bed)

Obi-Wan: What's going on?

(Anakin shrugs)

Anakin: She covered the cameras. I don't think she liked me watching her.

Obi-Wan: Does she understand the amount of danger she is in?

Y/n: I wouldn't worry too much, I programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder.

(In Padme's room, she is asleep in her bed, lit only by the light of the city outside her window coming through the blinds. R2 stands in the corner of the bedroom. His power is off)

Obi-Wan: It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator.

Anakin: That might be true, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we?

Y/n: Using the senator as a bait is a bold move Anakin.

Anakin: It was her idea... Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me.

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