Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 3

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Naboo - Lake

(Underwater in the ships cockpit sparks are flying, and water is leaking into the cabin. The sound of the power drive drops)

Obi-Wan: ...we're losing power.

(Obi-Wan is working with the sparking wires. Jar Jar panics)

Qui-Gon: Stay calm. We're not in trouble yet.

Jar Jar: What yet? Monstairs out dare! Leak'n in here, all'n sink'n, and nooooo power! You nutsen! WHEN YOUSA TINK WESA IN TROUBLE?!!!?

Obi-Wan: Power's back.

(The lights flicker on, revealing an ugly colo claw fish right in front of them)

Jar Jar: Monstairs back!

(The large colo claw fish is surprised and rears back. The sub turns around and speeds away)

Jar Jar: Wesa in trouble now??

Qui-Gon: Relax.

(Qui-Gon puts his hand on Jar Jar's shoulder. Jar Jar relaxes into a coma)

Obi-Wan: You overdid it.

(The colo claw fish leaps after the fleeing sub as it shoots out of the tunnel and into the waiting jaws of the sando aqua monster)

Obi-Wan: This is not good!

(Jar Jar regains consciousness)

Jar Jar: Wesa dead yet?? Oie Boie!

(Jar Jar's eyes bulge, and he faints again. The sub narrowly avoids the deadly teeth of the aqua monster. The colo claw fish chasing them isn't so lucky. It is munched in half by the larger predator. The little sub slips away)

Qui-Gon: Head for that outcropping.


(The long columns of the droid army move down the main road leading to Theed, the Naboo capital. As the Queen watches helplessly from a window in the palace, a transport carrying Nute and Rune lands in Theed Plaza. They exit the transport)

Nute: Ah, victory!


(The little sub continue to propel itself toward the surface, which is brightly lit)

Jar Jar: Wesa dude it!


(Paradise. Billowing clouds frame a romantic body of water. There is a loud rush of bubbles, and a small sub bobs to the surface. The current in the estuary begins to pull the sub backward into a fast moving river. Obi-Wan switches off the two remaining bubble canopies. Qui-Gon stands up to look around. Jar Jar lets out a sigh of relief)

Jar Jar: Wesa safe now.

Qui-Gon: Get this thing started.

Jar Jar: Dissen berry good. Hey?

Obi-Wan: What is it?

(Jar Jar looks back to where they're drifting. He sees they are headed for a huge waterfall)

Jar Jar: What!!?? Oie boie!

(Obi-Wan tries to start the engine. The long props behind the sub slowly begin to rotate. Obi-Wan struggles until finally, a few feet short of the waterfall, the sub starts and is able to generate enough power to stop drifting backward in the powerful current. The sub slowly moves forward. In the background, Qui-Gon takes a cable out of his belt. The engine coughs and dies. They start drifting backward again. Jar Jar panics)

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