Prologue; The Fairy Tale

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In the Great Land of Fiore, there lay two separate Kingdoms. To the far West lies the Kingdom known as the Celestial Kingdom. Once a beautiful and kind Kingdom, is now nothing more but a sad and dark place.
Ever since its gentle Queen passed, the Kingdom fell with her.

To the East of the Kingdom lay a much darker, but a much more powerful Kingdom known as, the Tartaros Empire. It's Lord is sinister and merciless in his rein. Both Kingdoms were tense with each other, but they held a mutual peace between least for a while.

There are two Kingdoms in the Land of Fiore. At least, there used to be. Before the third Kingdom made itself known. The third, which lies deep in the forest, is where the Kingdom and its occupants live. There are creatures in that Kingdom that resemble humans, sound human, and even act human. But great power resides in them like no other.

That power has grown inside them so much that it began to show itself on the outside. It made these powerful beings look non-human.
This is why they are hiding.
Hidden away in fear of being found out and discovered. This is what keeps them in the dark recesses of the forest they all call home. Their safe haven.

In the confinements of the forest, the third Kingdom would remain safe. Fear of the humans hatred or incapability to understand their kind kept them in the dark.

Season after season went by with them living in isolation without an incident.

In those years all was peaceful. However, for the Third Kingdom, things were about to take a dangerous turn.
In the form of one young child. Who was innocent in his youth, wandered too far away from the safety of the forest, of his home. Unbeknownst to him, he caught the attention of some local hunters in the area.

These hunters were in awe of the child. For they had never seen such a strange and incredible sight before. The hunters, thinking that they could make some Jewels off such a child, decided to take him to their King. Who would no doubt be pleased with the hunters' discovery. They had thought that they could get a handsome fortune for such a magnificent child. What they got instead was a nightmare. They could have never known that their seemingly simple action, would spark a war between the Hidden third Kingdom and the other two powerful Kingdoms.

The Hidden Kingdom, full of powerful beings, attacked the Kingdom known as The Celestial Kingdom to get the stolen child back. The Celestial Kingdom fought with all the power of the stars.

Not even the Starry Sky could help them.

The Kingdom of the Stars were no match for the amazingly strong warriors that the Hidden Kingdom possessed. Who's warriors were towering creatures that roared fire and turned everything into ash. The First Kingdom was losing greatly, the King had nearly given up all hope. Until the Second Empire,
Tartaros, decided to join in the battle.

The Lord of the Dark Empire saw an opportunity that he could not miss out on.

Tartaros helping the Star Kingdom would come with a price. In which the already defeated King of the Celestial Kingdom agreed to, whatever it may be. With the help of Tartaros, both Kingdoms drove out, and completely obliterated the Hidden Third Kingdom that held strange creatures.

On that same day, the Queen, Layla Heartfilia, fell ill, and later died. Leaving the King, and his beloved daughter, alone.
And at the mercy of Tartaros. For the King still owed the Lord a favor. But, when the King asked the Lord what it was he desired, the Lord only left him with a vague, 'In all due time...'

Leaving the King to wonder...when would the Demon Lord of Tartaros come and collect?

So, the Celestial King waited, as his once bright Kingdom began to fall apart, he still waited. And so, after 10 long years, he finally got his answer. An answer, that could very well destroy anything and everything around him. Unbeknown to the First and Second Kingdoms..something else was lurking in the shadows.

The little boy who had started the devastating war, had gotten away.

Now, the story begins like any other Fairy Tale would, with a

...Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time, there was a Dragon that fell in love with a Princess.
This is their story.

Ten Years Later...

Ever since I was a little girl I read and dreamed about fairy tales coming to life. I wanted one for myself. In every one of my stories  either my mother or I read, the charming Prince always saved the Princess. She had always found herself in some kind of dire predicament where she needed rescuing. Usually, the bad guy was pretty easy to spot. He would be the one wearing black with dark, lifeless eyes.

Or he could be a horrifying, bloodthirsty beast.

Whenever I thought about a beast, my mind instantly pictured a Dragon.
Because that's how they were always portrayed in fairy tales. As being the monster that held the beautiful Princess from her charming Prince. Oh, how wrong the stories could be.

When my mother died from an unknown illness, my life spiraled out of control. My once beautiful and thriving kingdom, became cold and dark. Devoid of all life. It seemed that the once bright stars that my mother adored so much began to dim.
They had lost their will to shine, now that they no longer had anyone to shine for.

My father, the King, changed drastically. My once, sweet and caring father, was now cold and distant. I cried myself to sleep every night. Begging for my Mother to come back for me. Or for my father to start caring and loving me again. I hadn't understood what I had done wrong to anger him so.

My maids and helpers were my only friends. They were the only ones that truly loved and cared for me. I wouldn't have known what I would have done without their warm smiles and embraces when I needed them the most. Levy, a maid that was the same age as I, had been a major help.

The only thing that really kept me going, were the books of fairy tales that my Mother left behind. I would stay up all night into the early morning hours reading those stories over and over again. I couldn't help but dream about a life like the lives that those Princess' had. They had everything they could ever want. Everything that I wanted.

A life outside these walls. A man that risked his life for the sake of her wellbeing and happiness. A man that truly and wholeheartedly loved her. I wanted that. No, I yearned for that. It was perfect, I thought. I wanted that fairy tale life. But, I never realized how wrong I truly was about these so called fairy tales.

Life, even for a Princess, is nowhere near a fairytale. Far from it actually. This is not an ordinary fairy tale where the Prince in shining armor climbs up the towers many steps to save the damsel in distress Princess. And it most certainly is not a fairy tale where the Prince slays the Dragon in order to save the Princess either. No, this is my own personal little fairy tale.

This is a story where the Dragon is the hero and the Prince is the villain. This is the story of The Pink Dragon and His Princess. In other words me, Lucy Heartfilia, the Princess of the Celestial Kingdom.

Welcome to my own little wicked Fairy Tale.
Let the Adventure Continue!

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