Chapter 6; Fire Dragon & Icy Prince

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~Fire Dragon & Icy Prince~

The tension in the air promised a battle. It was thick and heavy, nearly choking Lucy. Stormy grey eyes met fiery black in a deadly stare.
Natsu's eyes were stilted, muscles tensed, and steam poured from his mouth. His non broken wing was spread wide.
He really did look like a Dragon.

Gray was in a fighting stance. Feet far apart, knees bent slightly, and arms at his side, fists clenched. His eyes were hard and icy. He was just daring the Dragon to attack.
Lucy was shocked to see the black haired boy. How had he gotten through the door? The door, that had been locked from the inside? Her eyes strayed from the tense boys, to the open door.

The handle, once melted, was now steaming with frost.

How...? Lucy's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp voice.
"Lucy, come towards me." Gray said firmly. His teeth were gritted together, forcing him to push out his words.
Natsu didn't move, he was as still as a statue. His own teeth were bared, fangs on display, and at the ready to sink into flesh. Lucy couldn't be sure, but she could have sworn that she saw flickering flames dancing in his hair.

She slowly got up from her place beside the Dragon Boy. One black eye met her's for just a second, before flashing back to Gray.
Lucy still saw no evil in them.
"Stop, Gray." Her voice was soft, but strong, leaving no room for argument.
Both boys whipped their heads in unison towards her. Both of their eyes wide and faces slack with bewilderment.

"What?" Was all Gray could say with his jaw dropping. Natsu was silent as he listened to what the strange blond had to say. "I said, that is quite enough." Lucy fixed her eyes upon her friend. He was surprised to see how brightly they burned. "There is no need to fight someone that has no interest in engaging in battle." She gestured toward the hurt boy.
"He is already hurt enough without your useless need for a fight. If you harbor a problem, then you shall take it up with me, not with him."

Lucy Heartfilia sounded like a true ruler. With her voice as tough as steel and her will unbreakable.
"I have saved him and now, I will protect what I have saved."
Her strong words rang through the room, sinking into the walls, and into the minds of the two boys that were in the room. The two knew her words wouldn't disappear anytime soon.

Gray Fullbuster knew when he was beat. He was to proud to admit his defeat, but he was also proud enough to back down before his Princess. And that's exactly what he did. He let his stance slip away along with his will to fight. Gray let out a breath before relaxing fully. His eyes were still sharp though. Just in case.

"I will follow your orders, Lucy." His dark blue eyes flashed towards the stunned looking Dragon. "But I'm still gonna keep a eye on that-"
Gray paused.
"His name is Natsu." Lucy said.
Gray had to stop from rolling his eyes, "Okay, I'm gonna keep an eye on, Natsu."

During this whole conversation, Lucy and Gray had failed to notice how the Dragon had long since zoned out. He had tried to pay attention, he really had, they were talking about him after all. But, the beautiful aroma of food had drawn his attention away. Now, his eyes were locked on the white food bag that was clutched tightly in the Ice Boy's fist.

Natsu's nose was so powerful, that it could pick up a single drop of blood from miles away. Hell, he bet he could even hear the splash of blood. So, he had no trouble picking up the wonderful scents coming from that bag that held his heaven. He could smell chicken, bread, ale, and was that a scent of something sweet?
Oh, yes, it was.

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