Chapter 28; E.N.D

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Song; Monster

~Thank you all for the votes! I love to read comments from everyone telling how they felt and what's on their mind about these chapters. It makes me so happy and gives me more courage to write when I hear from you all~

Despair was making her blind.


Someone was calling her name.


Go away...Leave us alone...

"Lucy! Get up! We have to go!"

Lucy fixed dead eyes upon Gray and slowly shook her head.
"I'll...I need to stay..."

"Lucy! You're not thinking straight. Come with me!" He went to grab her hand but she slapped his away. "Don't touch me!" She hissed, turning back to Natsu.

"Natsu will be lonely if I leave...don't worry, Gray..." Lucy looked up at him with dull brown eyes full of tears. "H-He'll wake up soon...Natsu will...he will..." Lucy looked back down at her Dragon. "He's just sleeping...That's all..."

Gray gritted his teeth as he kneeled down beside Lucy. "Lucy..." He muttered, putting a hand on her shoulder. "He's not coming back." Gray had to close his eyes so the sadness there wouldn't escape. "Natsu's...not going to wake up."

Gray could feel Lucy's shoulders tense up and suddenly she whirled around. She got in his face with wild eyes and bared her teeth. "Why would you say that?!" She cried out in horror and disbelief. "How could you...?" Lucy turned back to Natsu and brushed a stray lock of hair away from his face. "You just have to wait....until he opens up his eyes..." She turned back to Gray with those same eyes devoid of sanity.

"Then we will both go with you."

Gray was at a loss for words as Lucy turned back to Natsu, then paused. Something had caught her eye. She turned her head and searched the ground to the left of them. And there, laying in the dirt a few feet away, was an ancient book with the initials E.N.D.

Open the book...

A smooth, soothing voice drifted into Lucy's mind.

Open the book...

Lucy's lips parted as she slowly got up.

That's right...

Lucy's mind shut off as something as dark as a demon's soul and as wicked as a killer's mind took over her body.

Come closer...

Gray calling out to her fell upon deaf ears as Lucy headed toward the book that was softly calling out to her.

You wish to wake him up, do you not?

Lucy passed the fallen form of Mard Geer who watched her go with a smile.

Yes, I do.

Good, that's good, now...

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