Chapter 10; My Dragon, My Friend, My Protector

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~My Dragon, My Friend, My Protector~

Update on Fairy Tail's Assassin; I am working on Chapter 3, and I am not gonna give any of you a breather with the second book about Freya!

The carriage was rumbling down the uneven path that it was following. With every bump the two girls inside were jostled. It was uncomfortable, but Lucy could care less. The ominous feeling that she had felt earlier had faded away. It was still in the corner of her mind though. Snapping and screaming for her attention.

Lucy didn't understand.

She was going home. She was going away. Which each step of the horses' pounding hooves they were taking her away from the darkness that she had felt. Then, why did she feel so sick?
Her heart was pounding, making her stomach fill up with butterflies. Sweat had started to coat her face and under her arms. She rubbed her hands on her arms, feeling the goosebumps underneath.

Something wicked was chasing her.

The carriage flipped over.

It was so sudden.
So unexpected, that Lucy couldn't even scream, before she was launched forward. Faintly, she could hear Levy's screams as she to was thrown around inside the flipping carriage. Pain shot through Lucy's spine as her back collided with the roof. Then she was flung again. Lucy desperately raised her arms up to block her face as she flew.

Her bags filled with clothes and books became her enemy. The books zoomed towards her and she gasped when one hit her side. Lucy curled into a ball just as the carriage finally stopped its deadly roll.
Everything was silent.
The only sound was the pounding of Lucy's rapid beating heart.
Then, another sound rose up.

The sound of laughter...
Multiple footsteps...
And the sound of liquid splashing onto a surface...

Lucy's eyes fluttered as she sought out the source of the sound.
Her eyes widened.
Her heart stopped.

Blood poured freely from a nasty gash on the small girl's forehead. Her left arm hung at a strange angle and her eyes stared blankly at the petrified Princess. "L-Levy-chan?" Lucy whispered as tears flooded her hazy vision. "Levy..." That is when the Princess screamed. A heart wrenching cry that shook the very earth.

Then Lucy was being dragged out of the ruined carriage.

She screamed again and twisted her head to see who had grabbed her. Two men stared back at her, none who she recognized. "G-get my friend!" Lucy cried as the two men's grips turned to steel on her arms. "I think-I think she's hurt!" She wailed, her tears never seeming to let up.

Lucy's screams of agony were cut off when a hard slap struck her cheek.
It made her head spin and her teeth smash together. She wasn't sure, but she thought she heard her jaw crack.
With tears still streaming down her face, she brought her shaking eyes upward. There she took in a man who towered over her.

His black hair with red highlights was pulled up into a high ponytail. His dark green eyes were sharp with triumphant as he looked down at her. He wore fancy blue clothes with yellow outlines. His stance and face were stern and he was practically dripping cockiness.

This man was the wickedness that had been chasing her.

Fear and adrenaline hit Lucy hard, high lighting her senses, and making her head spin. Her body felt light but heavy at the same time as she faced the man. Her own brown eyes were blazing and her body was tensing.
She wanted to hurt him.
Oh, how she wanted to.
He had hurt Levy.
He was the cause.
Then Lucy remembered the other two souls that had been with her and Levy.
Where were Scorpio and Taurus?
Fear for her Guards well being flared up.

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