Chapter 13; How to Train a Princess

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~How to Train a Princess~

~I'm so sorry if this chapter is boring! Next chapter won't be ^.^ I hope everyone likes this chapter~

"What?!" Lucy's eyes bugged as she stared uncomprehendingly at the smiling Dragon. "Go to Fairy Tail? Your home?" Lucy said, shock flowing through her. Natsu nodded, "Aye!" Lucy's mind was racing. Could she really do that? Could she really find a way? Lucy looked up to see the Dragon talking animatedly about his home and all the people there.

He looked so happy.
He eyes looked so...sad.
You miss it so much, don't you?
Lucy thought with a soft smile.
A part of her couldn't believe that he trusted her so much to invite her to where he considered his safe haven.
Another part of her knew she was crazy. Crazy for something that she thought she would never do.

Oh, but she wanted to.

"Okay, I will go with you." Lucy said in a split second decision. Natsu paused and stared at her with wide eyes. Lucy smiled, "I will go with you to Fairy Tail!" Never had such happiness and a sense of adventure coursed through the Princess. She found herself excited and nervous at the same time. But, as she watched as Natsu jumped around with excitement, she knew she wouldn't have said anything different.

"Alright! Alright!" Lucy called, laughter mixed in with her demanding words. "Stop moving around, you are going to reopen all of your wounds." The energetic boy sat back down, but he was practically humming with the need to move. To express his feelings of excitement. "You're really gonna like Fairy Tail, Lucy!" He told her with a bright grin. "We have the best food, drinks, and-oh! We have the best stories about adventures and monsters!"

If Lucy didn't know better, she would have said that Natsu was glowing. With each word he said he emphasized it with wild hand movements. His eyes were glowing with memories of the past, a permanent smile on his face. Lucy listened to him with a smile of her own. Her hands made quick work with bandaging him up, and, soon she was finished.

"There," she muttered, tucking in the last bit of gauze into place. "All finished. Now, if I see you picking at any of the bandages, no matter if you think it's healed or not. I won't get you any of Mira's cookies." Lucy threatened, smirking at his horrified look. "Damn, Luce, and here I thought I would get some sympathy." He pouted.

Lucy rolled her eyes and started to put away her emergency supplies that were left over. "Well, that's all up to you," she told him, getting up from the floor. "If you-"

A rough hand around her wrist cut her off and she was suddenly being pulled forward. To her upmost surprise, Natsu leaned forward, and placed his forehead on her own. It was like the world left her. Her ears became deaf to everything. Her eyes could only see him. Time did not exist.

In that moment, it was just the Princess and the Dragon.

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