Chapter 20; Break Him

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~Break Him~

Song; Lost in You

~I love to read comments from everyone telling how they felt and what's on their mind about these chapters. It makes me so happy and gives me more courage to write when I hear from you all~

Lucy Heartfilia was on a warpath.

Her whip trailed against the ground, taut and ready. Her blond hair was pulled back into a high ponytail to show everyone her determined face. Her head was held high and her eyes glistened with the promise of battle should anyone dare challenge her.

Plue was trotting in front of her as he led her through the cavern. His orange nose was pressed against the cool ground, tracking a scent trail that smelled of smoke and fire. His Master's eyes were alert and her movements fluid. Her footsteps were silent and controlled as she glided forward. Lucy kept close to the rocky walls decorated with moss and vines, the walls were her cover, a place where she could keep out of sight.

Soon, low voices reached her thrumming ears, making her halt, Plue stopping as well. Lucy tilted her head and closed her eyes to zone in on the conversation. There was a gruff voice and a feminine one that echoed off the cavern's rocky walls.

"Our Lord is not going to be pleased when we inform him of his lost prizes." The woman sighed.

"Dammit!" The man shouted, slamming his foot against an empty Lacrima that once prisoned the Dragon Slayers. "How could you let this happen!"

There was a scoff that followed the angry words.

"Do not blame me. You were the one on guard." She paused, and Lucy heard the smile in her sultry voice. "Besides, at least we have acquired one."

Lucy's beating heart turned to ice.

"Ah, our Lord will be most pleased..."

The woman's next words made Lucy ready her whip.

"Just try not to damage him too much."

That was all it took for the rage to take control and Lucy sprinted out of her hiding place. The man was the one who saw her first but it was much too late for him. Lucy let her whip fly and it smacked into his cheek, sending his neck snapping to the side. A growl filled her ears and a white blur flashed by her. Plue took a flying leap and crashed into the cursing woman. Down Plue and the woman went.

The white dog snarled in her face and Lucy took the opportunity to jam the heel of her foot into the nameless woman's nose. A blood chilling snap filled the cavern's still air and a scream of pain joined the ugly sound. "You bitch!" The woman cried, clutching at her bloody nose. "I'll kill you! I'll kill-" Lucy knocked the back handle of her whip against the woman's temple, silencing her.

The Princess flicked her whip and jogged along side her dog. Suddenly, Plue let out a unique howl, and picked up his pace. Soon Lucy was running after her dog, pumping her legs hard to keep up. Plue took a couple of sharp turns, went straight for a while, and then took a right that left Lucy scrambling to keep up. When Plue stopped, Lucy thanked Mavis out loud, and panting heavily, she looked up-

Lucy's lungs closed up along with her mind. Everything went blank for her.
Even her thoughts that had been racing just moments ago faded away.
What her eyes were seeing made bile rise to the back of her throat. She choked as a broken cry left her. She fell to her knees and slammed her fists against the clear surface.

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