Chapter 7; Living With a Dragon

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~Living With a Dragon~

Living with a Dragon was chaotic.
Living with a Dragon, who was also a human, was even worse. Especially when that Dragon was hungry, which in Lucy's case, was all the time.
Sometimes she wondered what her cooks thought of her when she took seconds and even thirds up to her room after dinner or breakfast.
At least Lucy wasn't bored. There was no room for it anyway. Natsu always kept her on high alert. If she looked away for just one second, he'd be gone.

For instance;
One morning Lucy had awakened early do to the lack of sound. Usually, there would be a storm of noise that awoke her, but, not that morning.
Lucy's red flag was already waving.
She practically leaped out of her bed. Almost successfully breaking her neck when her foot got caught in the covers, bringing her to the ground with a thump! She hissed as she scrambled up, ignoring the burning sensation in her elbow, and rushed towards the door. If she were lucky, she would find the troublesome Dragon in the kitchen.

However, before she could grab the messed up handle, the door to the balcony flew open. Lucy watched as non other then the Dragon himself came tumbling in. A string of curses tumbled from him as he jumped nimbly into the room. Lucy saw him wince as his broken wing acted up. She couldn't help it, she started going off.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" Lucy whisper-yelled, making Natsu jump. "I've warned you so many times not to go off! I've stressed to you that you are going to damage your wing even more! But you never-" Lucy's rant cut short when a flicker of something gold flashed in her eye. This is the first time she took note of his appearance.

His scarf was wrapped around his face, only his eyes were showing. His eyes widened from behind the small opening in his scarf. He had not planned on being caught. His hands were behind his back and Happy was perched in his hair. His stance was full of uneasiness, his dark eyes looking at anything but her.
Oh ho ho, gotcha.

"What did you take?" Lucy asked.
"How do you know I took anything?" Was his hasty reply.
Lucy only rose an eyebrow.
"Because you have been stealing things recently." And he had been.

Anything he saw that was either shiny or expensive, he stole. He had explained to her previously that it was all because of his "Dragon Instinct".
"Dragons horde things, Lucy." He had shrugged as he had played with one of her heart earrings. "It's just our nature."
Lucy had tried to understand and make it work, but she was starting to get real tired of taking it back from him, (which was tiring in itself) then sneaking out to replace what had been stolen.

The stealing wasn't even the worst part. The worst part were the fights that Natsu got into with Gray. Lucy swore ever time she turned away, a fight broke out. Gray had to stop coming by so much, which meant Juvia got even more time to drive him up the walls.

Lucy was always afraid to leave Natsu alone. Either because she was worried that his wounds would come back to bother him or that he would get discovered. Or he would do something stupid, like set her curtains on fire...again.

Besides all these complications, she otherwise liked having Natsu around. Even though she had Levy to talk to, Lucy got limited time to talk to her. With Natsu, she always had someone to talk to, and she enjoyed it immensely. Lucy was never lonely and she loved it.
Except when it came to times like these.

"So? What is it this time, Natsu?"

His chest rose up sharply as he took a breath. It looked as if he were about to bolt any second now. But Lucy's icy stare had frozen his feet. It was at that time that he admitted defeat. An angry Lucy led to a dead Dragon.
Natsu really didn't want to be that dead Dragon.

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