Chapter 16; Do Fairies Have Tails?

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~Do Fairies Have Tails?~

Song; Fairy Tail Theme

~I love to read comments from everyone telling how they felt and what's on their mind about these chapters. It makes me so happy and gives me more courage to write when I hear from you all~

The morning had started off rough for Lucy. She had gotten up in sync with the sun. But her mind and heart were still with the moon and stars. Last night had been magical and terrible. The discovery of both the magical thing, the glowing cherry blossom tree, and the terrible thing, Natsu's lost Nest Mates, the Dragon Slayers. Had left Natsu emotionally detached.

So, Lucy did all she could that morning to bring back Natsu's smile. First, she went down to the kitchen, and requested for MiraJane and Lissana to cook the best breakfast in the history of the morning meal. Lucy's exact words had been, "Please cook something that will bring tears to the eyes of a person with no taste buds."

Next, Lucy went to go see Scorpio, who was now recovered, and asked him if he was up to driving her and Natsu to Magnolia. Once he had agreed with an exclamation of, "We are!" She had thanked him and had headed back inside.

Lastly, Lucy had went to Levy's room and had woken the poor girl up. Once Lucy had explained the situation, her friend didn't wish to bash her head in with a book that much anymore.
Levy was not a morning person.

The Princess had given a description of the crystals that she had seen and had asked Levy to figure out a way to break into them to retrieve someone without killing that person or one's self. The bookworm had given her a thumbs up, her hazel eyes alight with curiosity and the sheer thrill of learning something new.

Now, all she had to do was find Gray...


"What do you mean he's gone?!" Lucy yelled, her jaw slack with disbelief, her brown eyes wide as she stared at Juvia. "Gray-Sama hasn't been around for a few days now." The blue haired woman answered her Lady honestly. "Juvia has not been able to lay her eyes on Gray-Sama for too long." Her voice trembled and she placed her pale hands on her cheeks.

Lucy smiled sympathetically at the hysterical gardener, at the same time she was plotting Gray's death. Lucy had needed him to cover for her when she went on her adventure. With Loke still mysteriously gone, she only had to worry about her Father missing her. One in a million chances that he will even notice, Lucy thought with a pang of sadness.

"I am sure Gray will be back soon, Juvia," Lucy gently comforted her. "There is nothing to fret over." Juvia instantly smiled and nodded, her hair bouncing. "Juvia shouldn't be sad. Juvia should be happy, so that when Gray-Sama comes back, he will not worry!" Her cobalt blue eyes sparkled and she bid her Lady goodbye before going back to water her flowers.

Lucy smiled back but her smile quickly faded away when she turned away. She pursed her lips and stomped back to the castle. Now she was going to have to bother Levy again. But first...Lucy walked up the many stone steps, down multiple hallways, and finally found herself back at her room's door. She traced an engraving of a key on her door like she always did before she went inside.

Lucy's eyes fell upon her empty bed that was naked with no covers to be seen. With a quick sweep of her brown eyes, she confirmed that her room was Dragon-less. Not even Happy or Plue could be found. Where could he have gone? Lucy wondered, opening up her closet and peering inside. Cold sweat began to trickle down her legs and neck as an icy thought blossomed in her mind.

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