Chapter 1; There's A Dragon In The Garden

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There's A Dragon In The Garden

She was breathing heavily.
Her body ached along with her untrained muscles. Her knees were bent and she was staring at the ground as she tried to gather more strength. Strength she needed to fight. To keep going. The blond's whip, which was her deadly weapon, lay limply in her shaking hand. Sweat dripped down her face and fell onto the ground in sparkling little droplets.
She watched them fall to the ground with anger. Her opponent hadn't even begun to sweat.

Lucy Heartfilia knew she was going to lose.

She could tell by the way her bones ached and howled. How her hands shook around the leather band of her whip. That now laid in a messy heap on the dirt ground. She raised her head, one of her brown eyes screwed shut against the beating sun. Her mouth was parted, her chest heaving, as her lungs fought for cold air. Air that she so desperately needed.
Desperately needed to win.

"Lady Lucy, perhaps we should take a break." The commanding voice tore her attention away from the ground in its intensity. Nobody could not listen when she spoke. She demanding your attention, whether she wished for it or not.
Lucy looked up.
The Captain of the Guard, Erza Scarlet, stood before her crouched form. Her scarlet hair was pulled away from her sharp eyes and put into a high ponytail. The powerful woman had already put away her sword, which now rested in its gleaming metal sheath at her side.
Always present, always ready to be drawn. Her metal armored body clinked as she moved, sending shivers through Lucy. The light grey of her iron made armor reflected off the sun's rays which made the metal itself shine brightly. Almost as if making it come alive. The woman's piercing dark brown eyes met the beautiful blond's. The powerfully, frightening  woman radiated power and strength with her stance alone. Just by standing there, people who were not fools, knew she was dangerous.

She was perfect for being Captain of the Guard.

With difficulty, Lucy straightened. Her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath that seemed to always escape from her. Even though Lucy did not want to quit, she knew she had too. She could already feel her head begin to spin, she was going to pass out if she didn't call it quits.  So, the young blond nodded breathlessly at Captain Scarlet, who seemed pleased with her wordless answer.

Satisfied with her Lady's answer, Captain Scarlet came over and helped her hobble over to a chair that had been set up for her Lady. With a wheezed huff, Lucy sat down, her legs cried out in gratitude.
"I think perhaps we should pick up your lessons in a few days, Lady Lucy." The red headed warrior said, with a small smile and a soft voice that she only reserved for her Lady or her King. Lucy took a deep breath and spoke with the grace of a royal.
"Yes, I think that is for the best, thank you." Captain Scarlet nodded once, asked if she could get her Lady anything, and when she said no, the red head left to go back to her duties. Bidding Lucy Heartfilia a farewell.

Once she was gone, the tired blond closed her eyes, and put her pale face in her sweaty hands. Her mind wandered to the day when she had asked the new Captain to teach her the art of self-defense. She had asked Captain Scarlet to help her and to teach her how to defend herself two years back when the scary woman first arrived at the palace, in which Lucy lived. After she had asked, the crimson haired woman had asked her why a princess would want to learn something so dangerous, and, well, un-princess like. To which Lucy had answered, "I don't want to be someone who needs to be saved."

Lucy had seemed to have said the right thing. Erza Scarlet started to teach her self-defense soon after. It was simple moves that she taught her Lady. How to disarm someone.
How to unbalance someone.
How to knock a person out.
How to get out of someone's hold or how to put someone in a chokehold. Basics really. However, Lucy couldn't help but want to know how to fight.
Like how she saw the Castle's Guards fight.

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