Welcome to a new kind of hell

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Chapter 1

I don't remember much about my human life before I became Sans's younger twin brother. But I do remember two things for certain. The first is the little bit of knowledge on a game I forgot the name of but I know it is very important. And second, my past life was not as fucked up as the life I live now. My life now is filled with so much pain just because of my soul trait. I was not even given a name.

Because of that, this is what my stats look like.

Nickname - none
Title - none
Hp - 100
Lv - 1
AT - 2
DF - 5
Mag- 11
Exp - 0
Armor - none
Magic - green magic'

My soul trait is kindness. Those who possess a Kindness soul trait have a green soul, which is a primarily defensive/support type trait. True to its name, the magic of this trait primarily focuses on helping and protecting others. The kinder the monster or human, the more powerful their abilities will be. Despite not being combat-oriented, some Kindness souls can use their abilities offensively in very rare cases.

Our beloved creator Dr W.D Gaster didn't like that my soul trait was kindness. He believed it meant I was too weak and unable to fulfill his plan. So he wanted to kill me because I was a failure to him and he didn't want me to get in his plans way. At first, he was going to let me live if I was strong but after he ran a check on my soul. He saw how low my attack power was and became enraged.

So much so he slammed me onto the floor and he summoned his bone Tachi ready to end my life. But my twin brother Sans begged Gaster to let me live.

"Please don't kill him!! Don't kill my little brother!! I'll do whatever you want!!" Sans begged Gaster.

Gaster decided it was best to keep me alive to keep Sans on a tight leash. Because Sans's soul trait would make it difficult to control him to do what he wanted otherwise. His soul's trait is more of what Gaster wanted for whatever plan he had intended for our creation. Sans's soul trait is Perseverance.

Perseverance souls are purple, monsters or humans with that trait won't give up easily. It is probably the most balanced trait, second only to Determination. While the other traits focus primarily on offense or defense/support, Perseverance can be used effectively for both simultaneously. Monsters or humans with this trait focus on close-range combat. They focus on using their magic to give them an advantage in melee-based fights, giving them immense durability as well as rendering most defenses useless.

The wounds they inflict are known to be difficult to recover from, making them useful in drawn-out fights.

Because of that Sans's stats looked like this.

'Name: Sans
Nickname - none
Title - none
Hp - 60
Lv - 1
AT - 10
DF - 5
Exp - 0
Armor - none
Magic - perseverance magic'

Gaster was very much pleased that one of his creations wasn't a failure. So Gaster being the asshole he is used me to make Sans do whatever he wanted. I felt sorry and guilty for the fact my brother went through all that hellish training just so Gaster wouldn't kill me. He was always taken away from our cage and made to train till he'd come back beaten up and sore all over. I don't know what Gaster was training Sans for he never told either of us but it can't be good.

Whenever Sans would fail in his training with Gaster he would be punished. Gaster would beat him till he couldn't move his body and then he would beat me afterward right in front of Sans.

"Stop!! Please stop!! I'll do better next time!! Just please stop hurting my little brother!!"

Sans would yell and beg but Gaster never listened. Afterward, when Gaster felt that Sans had learned his lesson he would leave the both of us injured in the cage. Sans would always crawl desperately over to me and protectively curl around me. I would use my healing magic to heal Sans and myself by singing songs and to keep his hopes up. I didn't want my brother to lose his Hp (his hope) to that fuckin demon named Gaster.

Reincarnated as Sans twin brother Where stories live. Discover now