Making a new home

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In one of Gaster's notes, he labeled useless was the information on pocket dimensions. He felt they were useless because he already had invented inventory crystals. but that was only because of his lack of imagination. The pocket dimensions, while yes they can be used for inventory can also become someone's portable home.

So I decided I would make a pocket dimension into our new home. I can use a red diamond to carve out a Torii that has a door built into the gateway. The doors open to a very small box-like room. I made it this way because a pocket dimension expands their internal volume beyond what their outside form would suggest. Then I added a button on the door.

The button will allow the red Torii to grow big when stationary or return to pocket size for traveling. I also didn't want it to activate on accident so I put precautions in place. The button only works when my brothers push it with intent. They must have the intent to set up the door to grow big enough for them to enter. Or to change it back to pocket size for traveling in case we need to change locations.

Our new home also makes its own magic that way it doesn't run on us. I made it a small magic core battery that never drains. So none of us have to charge it by giving it our magic. After doing all that work I had to take a break to recover my magic. Even though I'm adding all these features when our home is small still it takes a lot of my magic to build it.

I then called my brothers over so they could see what I had done so far. I then explained all the features I had made so far on it.

"Ho Wowwee it looks so cool and it does cool things. I can't wait to move in Sans NYEH HEH HEH!!!" Papyrus says with a beaming smile.

"Me too sans. But I do have a question. Is it safe for someone to stay inside the pocket dimension all the time or when it's moving?" Mincho asked me.

"Yes, and the inside will be even cooler than the outside when I'm done. I will make it so it has a complete environment in which we have absolute control over its aspects." I said with Pride.

I want to add this feature so my brothers feel safe in an environment they made. Papyrus and Mincho heard my thoughts and hugged me from behind.

"So why did you carve the red diamond into a Torii with a door built-in instead of a normal door brother?" Papyrus asked.

Mincho was also curious as to why so he nodded his head. "Ho, a red Torii marks an entrance wherever it stands marking the boundary between the material world outside and the sacred, spiritual world inside. I thought it would be great to mark our new home similar for the same reason."

"Wouldn't that be dangerous Sans? What if someone finds and opens the door to our new home?"

I then had a triumphant smirk on my face. "Mincho you wound me," I say dramatically acting like I was hurt by his words.

"Of course, I will make it so that the door will be locked. And the only way to open it is through our magic signatures." I continued in a matter-of-fact tone.

During our talk about our pocket dimension home of what we wanted inside our house. I said I wanted to have a lab so I could make cool items that could help improve our lives. While Papyrus wanted a training room so we wouldn't get rusty in our fighting. (He just didn't want me and Mincho to become even lazier.) And a big kitchen to practice his new skills so he could make us delicious meals every day.

Mincho also asked me if he could start a Garden at our new home. He wanted to grow all kinds of plants in his garden to research and make medicine. He wanted to help the monsters that fought in the War before. Turns out their Lv remained the same but the way they got it changed. They think they got it when the Capital was attacked by a group of evil humans.

The group of humans wanted to enslave all monsters and take over the land of magic for their own profit. But the neighboring human Empires came together to help the monsters defeat them. But thanks to the fact the evil human group was filled with mages. It was a bloody battle many were lost for both the monster empire and the human empires that helped.

After our talk, we had lunch where Papyrus allowed us to have one condiment bottle each. After we were done eating I went back to work to finish our home.

Time skip

I have finished with everything we needed. And finished putting the final designs of the front doors just in time for dinner.

"Hey, bros I have finished our pocket dimension home. Tomorrow we will have to find a safe place to set it up.

"Really? That's great brother!" Papyrus yells.

"Yes that's great brother but we're going to do that the day after tomorrow. You need to rest from using your magic all day brother. So we can stay in the hotel with you as you rest." Mincho says to me.

"Then can you play your shinobue flute for me as I fall asleep? I never heard you play it before. Please~" I pleaded.

"Fine, just this once but next time you have to get a proper rest." I shake my head up and down showing that I understand. We climbed into the bed and Mincho summoned his shinobue flute and started to play.

Then I fell asleep to its soft and beautiful melody.

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