Judge, Jury, and Executioner

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Sans POV

I've been reading books in Gaster's lab so I know what the titles Judge, Jury, and Executioner mean.

(Damn, I know why emperor fuck face wants us to take their position. It's because of that damn remote Gaster gave him.) I say with a growl in the mind link.

(What do you mean Sans?) Papyrus asked me.

(I agree bro what do you know about their plans?) Mincho added.

They didn't know what I was thinking in the link because they didn't notice my thoughts. They were paying too much attention to the two megalomaniacs. Sitting in front of us drinking tea like normal monsters when we know their not.

(Do you know about the Judge, Jury, and Executioner bros?)

(We do. What about them?) Both of my brothers asked at the same time.

(I believe the emperor wants us to take over their positions because he can control us better than them with the remote Gaster gave him.)

(WHAT?! NO, I DON'T WANT THAT!!) Papyrus yells now panicking in the mind link.


(PAPYRUS!!!) Both Mincho and I yell in the link.

(It's going to be alright we'll get through this together. Like we always have. So calm down little bro.) I say to Papyrus.

We looked back at Gaster and Asgore. "Okay" was Gaster's reply.

"That is wonderful to hear. Let us begin the ceremony by giving these three titles." Asgore got up fast from his seat.

"My emperor, do understand that after the ceremony I must take the three back to the lab. I would prefer they stay with me just a little while. You can have them if they need to perform their duties as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The reason why is that after I finish the core. I was planning to make clones of them to make a bigger stronger Army for you."

"Ho, really okay then I'll allow you to take them back to your lab my good friend," Asgore said with a bright smile filled with joy.

(GASTER WANTS TO DO WHAT!!!) We all yell in the link.

Time skip after the ceremony

I and my brothers were forced into our new roles in serving the empire and Emperor. I'm sure if the old judge, Jory, and Executioner were here they would have stopped the emperor. But I'm sure they didn't know what was happening. On how Asgore was planning to replace them right then and there before it was too late. Now I'm the Judge, Mincho was Jory, and poor Papyrus was the executioner.

My job is now the Judge. I now have to help out with negotiating between opposing parties and issue legal decisions. I will also have to Judge an Accused and can see every single action the Accused made by the information in their soul, and if I think that they are truly bad, I will have to kill them with my new skills KR or FL.

My KR or Karma retribution skill will use the condemned's EXP against them, destabilizing it and causing their guilt to eat away at them.

Then my FL or fatal love skill is a skill that strikes a certain amount of damage each hit. Before releasing it all at once on the condemned.

Mincho POV

I was forced to be Jory. My new title and job means I have to be the voice of reason for both judge and executioner. For when or if either becomes blind in a trial with their feelings about the Accused. I can stop them whenever needed by calling on my defer skill during the trial. And if needed, I can decide on the penalty or punishment that was decided upon using my retribution skill. For those whom the judge (now Sans) dims, they haven't committed bad enough actions but need punishment.

My defer skill allows me to temporarily stop the trial when certain requirements are met.

Then my retribution skill will show me the best penalty or punishments for the condemned.

Papyrus POV

Why? Why was I forced to be the Executioner? I mean I know why it's because Sans was best for Judge and Mincho can't kill so he had to be Jory. So I had to be the Executioner. So now my job as the Executioner is to help out the Judge (who is Sans) in acquiring information from stubborn souls. When the Accused's soul is adamant about not giving the Judge information normally. I will have to use my interrogation skills to make them give the information the Judge needs to make a judgment. And if the Judge thinks they're truly bad, I will have to inflict punishment with my FL skill with the Judge on the condemned. Because I was summoned for the trial.

My FL or fatal love is just like Sans's

There's also my interrogation skill is a skill that allows the user to attack the Condemned indefinitely by negating damage to their HP. It's useful for getting information, as I beat the answer out of the Accused but can never kill them when using this skill just like Mincho.

Third person POV

After Gaster said his goodbye to Asgore. Gaster and his creations left the palace and headed back to Gaster's lab. The whole time the three brothers were on autopilot for the rest of the trip back to the lab.

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