Frisk POV
As soon as I got inside the brothers'house I was told to take off my shoes and put slippers on at the door entrance. I did what I was told to do and noticed that the slippers were way too big but still put them on. Afterwards I went over to a window that was inside the living room and saw that the snow started coming down harder to the point I couldn't see anything outside.
Before coming in I saw that their house had christmas decorations adorned on it. They had two mailboxes to the left of their house one was full of junk mail, and the other was empty. Both Supēdo and Hōseki said I could look around the house while they went upstairs to their rooms real quick to find clothes I could sleep in that night after I took a bath.
During my time exploring their house I noted down that the first floor of the house contains a living room and a kitchen. The living room had a television that was set on shows about a robot monster named Mettaton. When I was looking around the living room there was a wooden small table on the side of the couch that had a pet rock on it, which was covered in gold sprinkles, and next to the left side of the TV was two pairs of dirty socks with a series of sticky notes attached to the wall. The sticky notes were about the youngest brother nagging the other two older skeletons to pick up their socks. And the other two older brothers just said they would eventually get to it and add a pun in their sticky notes. When I wanted to go sit down on the couch I noticed it was very old and later found 20 GOLD when I first checked it and when I checked it again I found a joke book that contains a quantum physics book which contains another joke book containing another quantum physics book. I decided to stop exploring the living room at that point.
Their kitchen had a big stove and when I checked the oven it had an empty pie tin in it. There was a trash can next to a tall sink and a fridge that had containers of different foods on one side and a bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables on the other. To the far right of the kitchen was a dining room table that had four seats. Then when I got a closer look in the kitchen I noticed a cabinet under the sink and in my curiosity I decided to check what was inside it. I opened the cabinet doors and saw a Dog Shrine inside for some reason. I was a little confused about why there was a dog Shrine under their sink. And I never got an answer from the three skeleton brothers.
The second floor of the house contains a framed painting of a cartoon bone and four doors. Three of the doors led to all three brothers rooms and the fourth was the bathroom. Luckily when I checked the bathroom had a toilet but it doesn't seem like it was being used at all which makes sense cuz they're skeletons. Everything else in the bathroom looked like it was being used even in the shower so I guess even skeletons take a bath. The door to Kurōbā's room is plastered with labels reading (NO GIRLS ALLOWED!), (NO BOYS ALLOWED!) and (Hōseki AND Supēdo ALLOWED.) The doors to both Hōseki and Supēdo were locked and had multicolored flames under the door which did not hurt when I accidentally stepped on the flames. I went back downstairs when I noticed I couldn't get inside any of their rooms and waited on the old couch. Later I finally met the youngest brother if one can even call him that. He had to be at least 9 ft tall and he had the most beautiful clothes I've ever seen. Both Hōseki and Supēdo had to be at least 6 ft tall I mean I know they were not the tallest monster thanks to Lesser dog. But all other monsters I met in the ruins were my height or a little bit taller than me at 4 ft 10 in. So when I was being told that both Hōseki and Supēdo were considered very small for their ages left me very shocked and a little scared.
For dinner that night Kurōbā set up the dining room table to make Yakiniku. Kurōbā was the one who ended up cooking all my food since I was not allowed near the grill and both of his brothers were too lazy to help me. The whole time both of his brothers were driving him mad with stupid grilled food related puns. After everyone was done eating I was sent up to the bathroom to shower first and was given a pair of clothes to sleep in. I then went to sleep on the couch when it got dark outside after watching the stupid monster robot on the TV. That was until it hit midnight when a ghost monster named Napstablook started playing beautiful calming music on TV that I finally fell asleep to. The next day after we left the skeleton's house we finally made it at the town named Frost Edge. Where I immediately ask them to end our tour and wish to travel alone by myself.

Reincarnated as Sans twin brother
FantasyThe reader wakes up to a new life as a monster skeleton. In a new world, that's filled with monsters, humans, and magic. But instead of living their new life to the fullest, they will have to survive Gaster's experiments and war with humans. Just be...