Demon 3

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Still Frisk POV

I finally left Water Range and was in Torrid Land. I swear whoever named these places sucks at naming things and I feel bad for their children if they have any. Anyway Torrid Land was dangerous as fuck I almost died a couple of times if not for Hōseki and Supēdo showing up just in time. I had to reluctantly ask for a tour for this part of the empire because I was unsure how to get through it safely.

"I know a perfect way to New Empire that is safe for a human child like ya self. See it's way too dangerous not just for humans like ya to travel to New Empire. Would ya believe how ash-tounding even some monsters could die too in Torrid Land? Monsters made of snow and ice have major meltdowns when things get too hot. But hey fire and Magnum monsters have a blast here because it's the perfect living conditions for them. They just lava it so much." Before Hōseki could go on I couldn't help but let out a loud grown at the four puns I just heard.

"Is it too late for me to take back wanting a tour from the two of you?" I asked.

"Oh stop that and get ready to have a magma-ificent tour for today. So it's best to have a seismic sense of humor." Supēdo answered my question with more puns to my horror.

"Are you just procrastinating so that you could tell me more puns?" I asked with my hand pinching my nose in frustration.

"This is Pyro-crastination at its finest my fine friend. And for your information we will only have magma-cool vibes only from here out. Okay? But don't worry we won't tell you all of our hot puns it's always best to leave them pyro-ing for more." Hōseki said with a cheeky smile on his mask.

"I regret everything." I said after looking at both of them.

They took me to a building that was a laboratory for a monster named Alphys who is the royal scientist. They even gave me lots of information about Alphys's life that I did not want. Like her having a crush on the fish lady I had to spar with before. I was so depressed I almost missed the save star to the right of the big door. I quickly went up to the star as the two skeleton brothers knocked on the big metal door. (Seeing such a strange laboratory in a place like this...You're filled with determination.) When the door finally opened there was a lizard monster that was way shorter than both Supēdo and Hōseki but I'm guessing that's because she was hunched over. If she stood up straight she might be an inch or two shorter than the two of them.

We all went into the laboratory and in my curiosity I asked Alphys why she would let others into her laboratory. That's when she explained to me in her stuttering voice that her laboratory building was also considered a bridge between New Empire and Torrid Land. And she doesn't mind this because her true laboratory is locked away safely out of the reach of the public. As we walked deeper into the halls of the air conditioning building I found another star where I could hear many sounds from the walls(The wooshing sound of steam and cogs... it fills you with determination.)

Finally after what can be described as the most painful and agonizing moment in my life having to deal with both skeletons making science puns. The lizard monster just chuckling along not stopping them in the least was driving me mad. We came up to the side of the laboratory building that had windows. And in my curiosity I ran up to one of the windows to look around and saw pink and green in the distance and there was a road leading there instead of to New Empire. And in the pink and green I saw a building and in my astonishment I did not notice the save star until both brothers went silent. Both of their masks went blank until they finally had that stupid and creepy stoic smile they always seem to have. I shook off the discomfort seeing that smile and pushed the save star and it said (An ominous structure looms in the distance...You're filled with determination.)

Later on I end up getting split up from the group and must have made a wrong turn but I found another save star. But again there was a damn mouse hole next to the star. Instead of doing the cautious walk of shame to the star I stomped up not caring about the mouse coming out because they never do. So I had confidence that this mouse hole would be no different, that was until the star said. (Knowing the mouse might one day hack the computerized safe and get the cheese...It fills you with determination.) What the actual hell! Why would a mouse need to know how to crack a safe? Who even want to test those vermin instead of trying to eliminate them? I quickly ran out of that room till I finally found the group again.

After that encounter I swear to the gods if I had encountered one more mouse hole I would burn that place to the ground. The world must have heard me cuz the next save star instead of a mouse hole in the wall it had spider webs. And that time the spiders were right in plain view scurrying around without a care. Alphys had long left the group and went to her laboratory leaving me alone with the two brothers who we're just talking casually with the creepy bugs and telling them spider puns. Hōseki said they were a type of spider monster after I asked him why he bought food from the spiders. And when I heard what the food was called I was grossed out beyond belief but didn't show my emotions at all. I couldn't believe either of them would eat or drink anything made of bugs. I also didn't believe either of them would eat bugs especially spiders. Who would ever want to eat something like a spider donut or spider cider? Supēdo said that there were no spiders in the donuts or in the cider it just got that name because they were made by spider monsters. I gave up questioning their sanity and cautiously walked over to where the save star was and touched it and it said. (The smell of cobwebs fills the air...You're filled with determination.) Yeah the fuck right it does!

We continued our walk till finally we came across two doors one went straight and the other was to the left. There was also a window that showed the same scenery before with pink and green and an obvious building in the distance. And a save star was again next to the window when I pushed it to save it said. (A huge structure lies north. You're filled with determination.) When I try to open the door to go to that structure both Hōseki and Supēdo had a very toothy smile that scared me. Their mask showed fangs and a very visible snarl and their eyes became sharper less soft then what they usually were

"It's best not to go that way. Too dangerous for a child like you." Supēdo said to me with a death-like grip on my wrist. I nodded in understanding and my wrist was let go without problems. They then opened the door that was in front of us and waited for me to walk through. I wanted to lower my head to avoid their eye contact but chose not to because I didn't want to show any emotions. So I continued and walked past the both of them and found myself in a much bigger part of the laboratory that looked like a hotel lobby. It was decided that we would take a break for the night at the hotel to rest and continue the tour tomorrow. It just so happened the room that was chosen for me had a save star so just before I went to sleep I touched it and laid down and listened to it. (The relaxing atmosphere of this hotel... it fills you with determination.)

The next morning as I was just getting up that day a knock came from the door of my hotel room. Both Hōseki and Supēdo came to pick me up both we're back to normal with their soft features and happy-go-lucky smiles. So we continued the tour as we left the hotel lobby and continued down another hallway where we finally exited the laboratory outside and to my right was another star. (The air is filled with the smell of ozone... it fills you with determination.)

We continued our walk outside till finally we came upon green grass, beautiful Kousa dogwood trees, and small houses that were on hills of different sizes. We were on a sidewalk and occasionally a car or two would pass us by as we continued our walk. In my boredom I decided to observe the many rice fields and wheat fields surrounding us and look at what seemed to be monster farmers tending their fields. After what seems to be many hours we finally hitched a ride on one of the cars and stopped at a huge structure that appeared in the far distance. When we got closer I inspected and it was a giant gate with long and tall walls surrounding it. And in front of that gate was another save star but this one gave me the most invigorating information I ever received from them. It gave me information on a true reset and all I needed to do to use it was push the button that said true reset to go back to the very beginning without any consequences. It did state that I would lose all LV, experience, and so on I gain in the previous timeline. But I would get to travel the monster empire all over again on my own. With all the information I have gathered I won't need to have the two skeleton brothers guiding me around and I could go explore anywhere wanted. I didn't have to deal with the monsters anymore or care about their feelings because I could do whatever I wanted and if anything bad does happen I would just reset or do a true reset. It's not like anyone could stop me with the powers I now have. After those thoughts I pushed the same star again and got. (Behind this gate lies the heart of the monster kind and the emperor's Palace. You're filled with determination.)

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