The plan

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Papyrus POV

After that day, we left the room copied after the original universe. Sans and I wanted to make sure nothing would happen to Mincho and Dad. Sans said we could not be sure that Dad wouldn't fall into the core or if Mincho would disappear later when the kid appeared. So we wanted to keep them inside the pocket dimension where it was safer for them. Mincho wanted us to stay inside of it too, but both I and Sans refused.

I refused because I was already a well-known monster chef. After all, I was Grillby's only chef, and he never let any other monster touch his kitchen but me. The human child will most likely search for me when they go to Grillby's. I'm not bragging or anything far from it. I would now rather be unknown because that meant I did not have to meet the human child at all. Monsters would talk about me, and that could lead them to both Dad and Mincho, so I had to stay outside.

Sans refused because he didn't want me to be outside by myself when or if the human child appeared. We had to buy a decoy house outside of our true home just in case the human child came to visit us like what we saw in the original universe. The door to our pocket dimension home was now hidden deep inside a mountain. The only way to get to it was by teleporting to it something we could do. So we can still visit Mincho and Dad when the human does come.

Mincho tried to fight us wanting to keep him safe inside.

"Both of ya can't just keep me inside! I understand why Pops has to, but not me, and you can't be sure if the human kid appears. I disappear! You can't make me watch as my bros go through that as I stay nice and safe!" Mincho yelled at us while he had tears running down his face.

"How about this, we'll see what happens when the human child arrives. If something starts to happen to either of us. We will teleport immediately into the pocket dimension. And stay there when the human child is here in the empire." Dad said calmly.

Both he and Mincho had a look that said we had no choice but to accept their conditions. So both me and Sans nodded our heads in understanding.

"Good, now how about we gather more information by exploring many other AUs? See what is different and what we can do about the kid if they do a genocide root." Mincho said as he and Dad walked to the room with Sans's machine in it.

"Do you think they'll be okay Sans?" I asked Sans as we walked after Mincho and Dad.

"I'm not sure Papyrus. But I do know Mincho is right about gathering information right now. It's all we can do right now instead of coming up with what-if situations." Sans whispered to me and had a look of determination on his face.

Time skip

Sans POV

We have seen many AUs some were okay and others were really bad. The okay ones we have seen were named Undertale, Umderswap, Undefell, Underswapfell, Outertale, Dancetale, Under Mafia, and Sciencetale. And the really bad ones were named Horrortale, Dusttale, and Killertale. After Mincho and Dad saw Horrortale they wanted to stop looking at AUs. They said they had enough information and didn't need to see more.

But I know the real reason was they didn't want to see me and Papyrus's alternate selves in pain and suffering. And I was the same way I didn't want to see Papyrus die anymore. I still had on my machine to open new portals to other AUs. So that the crystal cranes can still copy and collect things from different AUs. Like gardening books recipe books, research books of all kinds, and copy plant seeds. From what I remember from my alternate self's notes it will get very boring if we don't have something to do.

That is when we're not dealing with the kid when they're here in the empire. We went to the dining room to eat and talk about what our plans were.

"Why don't me and Sans become tour guides of the empire? Our tour guide's name could be Kashikoi Kitsune. The name Sans came up with for our team name you remember. That way we will know what the kid is up to as they travel through the empire. We would also have a reason to talk to them and just appear wherever the kid would be in the empire. We have to see what path the kid will take and make sure they don't hurt Papyrus or anyone else." Mincho says to us.

"Wait why? Don't get me wrong I want to protect Papyrus but a tour guide seems like so much work. Why?" I whine to Mincho.

"Oh, do you want to be a century guard instead and have to work for Emperor Asgore?" I looked at Mincho and quickly told him no.

"Then we have to become tour guides. Every one of both your and Papyrus's alternate selves are guards working under their emperors or should I say kings for one. And second like I said before being a tour guide will allow us to follow the kid around. We need to know if they are planning on doing a genocide roots or pacifist one."

"I think Mincho is right Sans. This is the best way to keep Papyrus and Mincho safe. And it is a perfect excuse to be everywhere the human child ends up. I know you still don't feel right working for Emperor Asgore." That's when a thought came to my mind and I said as fast as I could.

"In every AU didn't the Royal children of the king die? So doesn't that means...." I trailed off at the end of my sentence and looked up to my family.

It took us a moment before we all jumped out of our seats and ran to the front door. And we instantly teleported to the Empire. But we were too late. When we arrived at the Empire all the shops were closed and it looked like there was no life in it. There were a few monsters that stood outside walking but had saddened expressions on their faces.

Turns out both of the emperor's kids were killed by an assassin last night believed to be a human. Emperor Asgore had now ordered every monster to return home to the monster's empire. He plans to cut connections with the humans and protect his people from them by making a magic barrier to keep away the humans. Empress Toriel was so disheartened over the fact of her two dead children she went into isolation. Leaving Emperor Asgore all by himself with the weight of caring for his Empire by himself.

So after every monster citizen was accounted for back in the empire. The Emperor called in seven favors from the seven great Magical Human kingdoms. And had them make a strong magical barrier that would cover all of his Empire. The barrier would stay up as long as the monster empire wanted it to. Till maybe one day they would feel ready to be part of the world again.

But Emperor Asgore, Empress Toriel, and all of monster kind were grieving over the loss of Royal children. So it didn't seem that that would happen anytime soon.

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