Papyrus Pov
It is now time for the demon to come back so all our projects in our dimension home were put on hold. That included Mincho's little request he made from our dear father and Sans. They finished it but we couldn't use it until the child did another true reset. Both Sans and father said it would be too dangerous to be foxes around the child. So he was pouting at the front door waiting for Sans so they could go meet the child together at the ruins. I know how he feels I too wanted to play around as a fox.
But I can understand where Sans and Father are coming from. Because it would be very dangerous to use a new form in front of that child. I mean for one thing we only know how to walk on two legs not four. And then we won't have hands anymore but furry paws. So we'll have to get used to the new forms when the child is not a threat before testing it out. Much to my second older brother's dismay which I find very hilarious. On that thought is when Sans teleported in the same outfit he wore when he met the kid for the first time just like Mincho.
"Okay you two just make sure you do everything the same way you did before. Such as conversation, speech pattern, and actions. Everything will be the same except the child will not be able to use the save Stars, we'll see if this stops that little demon from doing any mass genocide this time." Dad said with a very evil expression on his face.
Sans didn't seem to care about having to repeat his past interactions with the kid. No, instead he became a little excited overseeing the kids reactions to not having any save Stars this time. But Mincho on the other hand didn't seem too excited over having to do everything exactly the same way he did before as he leaned on the doorway of our house with a scowl on his face. Father must have seen his reaction so he quickly walked over to him and put his hands on Mincho's shoulders.
"Son, I know you want to try out the new invention and do not wish to be in the presence of that little hell spawn. But we must not let her know something is different about this reset so both you and Sans have to meet her at the ruins. We do not know what she would do if she learned the three of you remember resets. So our best option is to let things be as she continues on her way." Father told Mincho as he looked at Mincho's eye lights that could still be seen under his mask.
"Fine." Mincho said in a defeated voice as he looked down at the floor.
Sans bumps his right shoulders with Mincho's and said. "Hey, don't be too upset bro. There's a high possibility that when she notices all the save stars are gone. That demon will surely do a true reset in the hope of bringing them back. In doing so giving us four more months of not having to deal with her and a chance to test out our new invention. And there's another high possibility the faces that child would make when she notices what's going on would undoubtedly be funny to witness. Doesn't that sound like fun bro?"
Mincho smiled a little after that and walked out the door to get ready to teleport away into the ruins and Sans followed after him.
"See you later." Both Sans and Mincho said.
Mincho's POV
Oh my gosh, Sans was so right. Witnessing the faces the kid would make as she was trying to figure out what was going on with the save stars was hilarious. She was first frustrated over not being able to find any save stars in the beginning at the ruins. Only for that frustration to turn into a face of desperation when she still couldn't find any in the Frost Edge or our home town. Then lastly her face turned into a face of pure despair when she got to Water range. It was so worth it not to be able to use Pop's and Sans new invention just to be able to see in person the faces this kid would make this time. It was so funny Sans ended up having to teleport away so he wouldn't alert the kid with his loud laughter when we were spying on her from afar. Even papyrus was laughing in the mind link at photos dad had taken and sent him in our phone group chat and dad too must have been laughing his ass off the whole time at home.
But the funny show was short-lived when the kid did a true reset just before she entered Torrid Land just like Sans predicted she would do. Just before the true reset took effect Pops through the golden heart locket outside so the world could restart without a problem. (Later we'll have to gather them all up again before the kid comes back. And before the kid's true reset takes effect the save stars have to be left outside to avoid any dangerous situations.)
I then woke up in my bed with a smile holding back my laughter only for me to bust out laughing when I heard my family's laughter outside my room. I slowly got dressed and went to the dining room table for breakfast with a smile on my face. Sans and Pops were there too giggling at photos he had taken with the help of the diamond cranes of the kid's faces in the past reset. I could understand compared to the first reset when the kid had an unemotional face the whole time until she started to kill all the monsters with a mantic smile. The last reset was funny cuz we broke that stoic face and turned it into a face of pure despair just by taking the save stars away.
"Okay stop looking at those photos and eat your guy's rice, miso soup, and grilled fish. We have a new invention to try out today. Don't we Mincho?" Papyrus said to me with a big smile on his face.
I responded with a very big smile of my own and quickly started to eat my breakfast.
Sorry for the wait I started this chapter a while ago but ended up putting it down when I could figure out what was going to happen next. Well I finished it so here it is. I hope you all like it.

Reincarnated as Sans twin brother
FantasyThe reader wakes up to a new life as a monster skeleton. In a new world, that's filled with monsters, humans, and magic. But instead of living their new life to the fullest, they will have to survive Gaster's experiments and war with humans. Just be...