The reader wakes up to a new life as a monster skeleton. In a new world, that's filled with monsters, humans, and magic. But instead of living their new life to the fullest, they will have to survive Gaster's experiments and war with humans. Just be...
Mincho practically inhaled his breakfast just to run outside and teleport to the snowy giant bamboo forest and wait for the rest of us to finish our breakfast and meet him there. When we finally found where he teleported to he was practically bouncing in one spot because of his excitement. Even his mask mirrored his Joy filled expression and his eye lights shined bright with little stars in them.
"Okay, well someone is very excited to test out our new experiment. So without further ado here it is." Pops said as he pulled what looked to be four protective charms that had different colored stones for each of them in the shape of a nine tails fox from his pocket.
"Wow weeee those look so cool. I would expect nothing less for someone as clever as me to receive." Papyrus said as he puffed out his chest and made his scarf move us if there was a breeze going through it.
Both Mincho and I agree whole heartily with our brother and his cuteness. While Pops agreed too but still had no idea why Papyrus sometimes used his magic to make his scarf move like that though he too finds it cute.
"Now all ya have to do is push ya magic into this protective charm and poof ya're a fox." I said with just a bit of drowsiness in my voice.
Can anyone blame me it's too early to be up at this star forsaken hour. Even the sun must believe so because it hasn't set fully into the sky yet just to prove my point. Any way both Mincho and Papyrus took the protective charm in the color of their old soul traits and started to concentrate their magic into the charms till poof. They became foxes in a cloud of both yellow and green smoke. But because they were standing when they turned into foxes they fell face first into the snow because foxes can't stand up straight. And both Pops and I couldn't help but to laugh out loudly at both of their misfortunes.
"Ah ah ha...Well at least now we know what not to do. Huh Sans?" Pops said to me still laughing his ass off.
"Pff, yeah let's just sit down and turn into foxes instead of standing up. I'd rather avoid having my face planted into snow so early in the morning." I answered back trying to still hold in my laughter.
I then took my charm while Pops kept his and we both sat down then channeled our magic into our charms. There was another poof but this time the clouds and smoke were colored purple and Magenta. After I turned into a fox I studied my new body and noticed we now had magic fur covering our bodies. It seemed the magic fur we got made us look like real foxes if not for the color which was the color of our magic. (I'm glad both me and my brothers don't hate what our souls have become and their colors too. We just dress in our colors to remind us what we truly are in the center of our being.) That's when I noticed both Papyrus and Mincho have their ears down, tails wrapped around their bodies and visible blushes. So I asked them what was wrong.
"You both transformed before we could warn you not to. You see it seems that the transformation does not include our... clothes" Mincho said with utmost embarrassment in his voice.
That's when I looked down and saw my clothes on the white snow and I felt my cheeks turn dark violet from my own blush.
"Well, we're going to have to fix that. Right Sans? For now let's just teleport back to the house and get dressed again. But before we do that how do foxes walk?" Pops asked with a sense of uncertainty in his voice and he tilted his foxy head to the side.
It was quiet for a moment before Mincho said something.
"Okay maybe we should have done this experiment at home instead of coming outside huh? I mean we didn't even learn how to walk on solid ground yet and here we are for the first time in this form in icy snow" Mincho looked down at his clothes that lay innocently in the snow with a fox's equivalent face of pure embarrassment and sadness.
"Hey it's okay at least we're able to communicate with each other and still can use our powers in these forms. I'm glad I had the foresight to at least think of that much... Though I must say I'm disappointed in myself for overlooking the clothes thing. But hey will do what Pops said and teleport home to get dressed but before we can do that we have to figure out how to first walk so we can gather our clothes." I said to Mincho in the hope of taking away some of the blame he's putting on himself.
I go to move my front paw but over do it and slip on the snow. Landing right onto a big pile of white snow that was right in front of me.
"Sigh, at least I didn't fall face first into the snow."
Right when I said that some snow that was being held up by the huge and tall bamboo leaves fell right on top of my head.
"Oh ya got to be fucking kidding me!" I yelled out in frustration.
While I was contemplating my life choices my family decided to take that opportunity to laugh at me and my bad luck. After Pops calmed down from his laughing fit he tried to demonstrate to us how we were supposed to walk after he figured it out. Only for him to fall down too because he slipped on some slippery ice that was covered in snow. He slid across both me and my brothers and met face to face with a giant bamboo stump and because he slammed into it hard all the snow that was being held up in the leaves fell on him. After we all witnessed that we all became quiet to the point not a sound could be heard in the giant bamboo forest. That was till I couldn't hold in my laughter and my brothers joined me in laughing at our father's misfortune.
Time skip
After many attempts we were finally able to walk like normal foxes if not for our colorful fur others wouldn't be able to tell us apart from normal foxes. We gathered our clothes and masks and teleported back to our home. Where we went to our rooms to transform back into our skeleton bodies and got dressed. Then Papyrus got dinner ready and we all went to sleep with big smiles on our faces. Because from morning till night we couldn't help but laugh at each other and our mistakes we made. No one cared about the mistake I made when I overlooked the clothes when we transformed that day not even me. Pops even helped me fix my mistake when Papyrus was cooking dinner.
If only I knew what the future would hold for me and my family many resets from then. All because I just had to make another mistake in the grand scheme of things. But the mistake I made was much bigger than just forgetting about what would happen to our clothes when we transformed. And the consequence of that mistake will stick with me and my family for the rest of our lives.
Hey author here I went back into my story and changed frisk gender into a girl. Just letting you know I changed her gender in this note.
Oh this is they're charms.
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