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As soon as they got to Hogwarts Azar ran out of the potion master's room.

"Azar," Draco called as he, too, exited the room and rushed after him. The other boy turned to look at him. "Where are you going?" He asked, and Azar sighed.

"I don't know," He said, running a hand through his raven hair.

"You know they'll love you?" Draco asked, and Azar nodded.

"I do, I heard him say it," He replied, "I just, I don't know what to do. I have a week left of school, and I want to figure things out before I make any big decisions," Azar said, and Draco nodded in understanding.

"Well, how about you come home with me next weekend, father will be there," Draco said, "Maybe he could give you some help in figuring it out?" He suggested.

"Don't we leave on Tuesday?" Azar asked.

"Yeah, But I get to go home early because of my father," Draco told him. "Think about it; I know Uncle Sev doesn't seem to care for much, but I know he will surprise you if you tell him who you are," He said, and Azar nodded before they split ways.

Azar slowly made his way up to the Gryffindor tower, he had so many things running through his head.

If they were lying to him about being his friends and stealing money from him. What else could they be lying about? He doubted any of the things they ever said about the dark side now, was the dark side even the bad side?

Sighed, he muttered the password to the Gryffindor tower and stepped through. "Harry, where have you been?" Hermione asked once she saw him.

"I was taking a walk," He replied, internally cringing at the name.

He made his way to the stairs leading toward the stairs for boys' dorm. "Where are you going? You need to study for your exam," Hermione asked, following him to the bottom of the stairs, seeing as she couldn't enter the boy's dorm.

"I am going to bed," Azar said, simply before continuing up the stairs, ignoring the bush-haired girl yelling after him.

He got to his room and went to his bed, he pulled the curtains placing a silencing and privacy charm so no one could hear what he was doing or get in.

Settling among his pillows he pulled out the papers from Gringotts, looking at them he felt tears run down his face.

"Would he still love me after he finds out I'm Harry Potter?" He whispered to himself.


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Word count: 412

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 7:30 am

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