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Azar woke up the next morning alone. He wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep. He had spent most of the night trying to know, a clearly uncertain, Sephtis better.

Groaning, he sat up and made his way to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, he dressed and made his way down to the kitchen.

Entering, he only saw Tom, Draco, and Lucius sitting at the table. "Good morning," He greeted them and they all greeted him back. "Where is the professor?" He asked, sitting beside Tom who looked happy by the act.

"Dumbledore called an emergency meeting," Tom said. "He left about three hours ago if it's about you. He won't be back all day; they'll go searching for you," he said.

Azar silently ate his breakfast, thinking back to Sephtis. "Something or someone on your mind?" Draco smirked and Azar looked over at him with wide eyes.

"W-what?" He stuttered, and Tom also looked at him with a slightly raised brow.

"I heard you talking in your room last night to someone," He said, and Azar blushed.

"It was just Sephtis," He said and Tom's fork clattered onto the plate.

"You were talking to Death?" He choked and Azar nodded his head.

"You've met him?" He asked.

"I've died enough times to know him personally," He said, "How do you know him?" He asked.

"I'm just his Master," He said, and Tom scolded darkly, making Azar gulp.

"I see," He said, picking his fork back up. "As my son, I'm warning you, don't be like the others," He said.

"I would never; he told me about them last night," Azar replied, and Tom nodded.

"That's good because even death has feelings," he said, looking up as someone else entered the room.

The person walked up to Draco and tapped his shoulder making him turn around and gasp before jumping out of his chair and hugging the person.

"Viktor," He said, as the larger male chuckled and hugged him back.

"Hello, little mate," Viktor said flirtingly, and Draco blushed.

"Your mate is Viktor Krum?" Azar asked, shocked, and Draco looked at him.

"I told you he was a quidditch star," Draco said.

"I didn't think you meant Viktor Krum!" Azar explained with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Draco, who is this?" Viktor asked, wrapping a hand around the blonde's waist.

"This is Azar, my brother. Uncle Tom and Severus's son." Draco said, smiling at Azar.

"Nice to meet you," Viktor said, slowly moving backward out of the room with Draco causing the blonde to giggle

"I'll see you guys later," Draco said, as he happily followed Viktor out of the room.


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Word count: 418

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 10 am

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