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It's been a week since Azar came home to his parents, and he had to say that things were going great.

It was odd at first, Severus hugged him every time he saw him, even if he was just passing by in the hall. Tom would rest a hand on his shoulder when they were together, and hug him once in a while.

But lately, he felt weird while sleeping, he would feel like someone was in the room. Then he would wake up in the morning with ghost touches on his arms and face.

Tonight, he was going to find out what was happening though. It was after dinner and he made his way to his room.

He used a pillow and transferred it to look like a person was sleeping in the bed before he used his invisibility cloak and sat in his armchair by the window, covering himself.

Azar woke up not having realized he had fallen asleep. He blinked, and as he looked over at his bed and frowned, he saw a figure standing over it.

Standing quickly, Azar drew his wand and pointed it at the figure, who spun around in shock, stumbling back, and falling onto the bed.

"Who are you?" Azar growled, glaring at the man.

Flicking his wand to turn on the light, Azar froze. The person, who turned out to be a man, was absolutely gorgeous.

He had midnight black hair, tan skin, and green eyes with a bit of fire orange in them, his lips were pink. Azar felt something stir in him and frowned.

"Who are you?" Azar asked, and the man sighed before shuffling off the bed.

"I am Sephtis, master," The man said, and Azar's frown deepened.

"Master?" He asked, lowering his wand. "Death?" He asked, and the man nodded.

"Why are you in my room?" Azar asked, and Sephtis scratched the back of his head.

"I didn't mean to trouble you; I just wanted to see you," the other said, "You are the first master I have had in a thousand years; I guess I got a bit overexcited," He frowned.

"Why didn't you just come in the day instead of sneaking in at night?" Azar asked, sitting on the bed.

"I didn't think you would appreciate that. I have had many masters, and none of them really like having me around unless it was to do their dirty deeds," Sephtis sighed.

"Well, I wouldn't mind someone as gorgeous as you popping in whenever you want," Azar said, and Sephtis scolded, making him think he said something wrong. "What?" He asked.

"You don't have to try and butter me up if you want to sleep with me," the other muttered. "It's not like I can say no to my master," he said, starting to unbutton his shirt.

"Hold on," Azar said, standing quickly and stopping him. "What do you mean you can't say no? You can always say no! Your death, it's not like I can punish and hurt you if you say no. You're more powerful than me," he said, and Sephtis shook his head.

"You are my master. I have no power against you. I am yours to do as you wish and desire," he told him, and Azar's eyes widened.

"Your masters took advantage of you," he said, and the other didn't answer.

"Well, I would never do such a thing," Azar said, taking his hand. "I swear on my life. I would never take advantage of you. I may be your master, but I would prefer to be your friend first," he said, and Sephtis looked at him in confusion.

"You are the weirdest master I ever had," He said, and Azar chuckled.

"I hope that's a good thing," He said, pulling Sephtis over to the bed, and sitting down. "Now, tell me what's it like being death?" He asked.


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Word count: 624

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 9:30 am

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