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After dinner, they found themselves back in the living room, with Lucius and Draco in one seat, Severus and Tom on the other, and Azar between them.

"So, I have a few questions," Severus started, "Where have you been all these years? Did you go to school? Are you good at Potions?" He asked, and Azar got nervous.

Looking over at Draco who gave him a nod, he steeled himself before answering. "Um, well I've been living in the muggle world since I was taken. I got to Hogwarts, and no. I'm not really good at potions. You often tell me I'm dreadful at it." Azar replied, and Severus stared at him wide-eyed, along with Tom.

"I taught you? At Hogwarts? How could I not know I was teaching you?" Severus asked.

"Well, I had a few blocks and potions on me, a strong glamor as well," He said, and Severus frowned now.

"Blocks and Potions?" Tom asked, sitting up straight. "Have they been removed?" he asked, and Azar nodded his head.

"But, even then shouldn't I have been able to sense you?" Severus asked, clenching his fist in his lap.

"I guess, maybe you would have felt a connection if..." Azar said but stopped making Snape look at him.

"If what?" He said and Harry sighed.

"If you weren't blaming me for what my supposed father had done to you at Hogwarts," He said, and Severus got a thoughtful look on his face before he paled.

"What?" Tom asked, worried seeing the horrified look on his mate's face.

"H-Harry Potter," Snape muttered barely above a whisper and Tom stiffened.

"What?" The red-eyed man asked, clearly stunned.

"He was Harry Potter. I blamed him for what James always did to me while we were in school together," Severus said. "You were right in front of me, and I could see it because I was so blinded by hatred. We could have had you back sooner. It's my fault we didn't have you back sooner," he said, before standing and exiting the room.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset him," Azar said.

"He's not upset," Tom said, and Azar looked disbelieving. "He is overwhelmed; he just needs a breather," Tom told him just as Severus entered the room again.

"Sorry," he said, sitting down beside Azar. "I am sorry for what I did over the years. I know a simple apology won't fix anything, and I would understand if you don't want to be a part of our family after our past together," Severus said, his hands folded on his lap, and he refused to look at the younger male.

"I want to be a part of your family," Azar said softly and Severus looked up at him. "It's something I have always wanted, a family. I understand what you were going through, James Potter put you through a lot of pain. I was a constant reminder of the pain you went through, just for being different, just for living. After I saw the memories of what he did to you I felt ashamed to call him my father." Azar said, and Severus blinked at him with a small smile.

"I'll make it up to you," The potion master promised, "But for now, let's get to bed," he said.


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Word count: 531

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 9 am

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