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Azar watched as Lucius paced back and forth in Tom's office. It had been a month since Draco and Severus went back, and they had heard nothing from either of them yet. There had been no owls, no floo calls or visits, nothing.

"Lucius, you're going to wear out the carpet if you don't sit down," Tom said and the blonde turned to glare at him.

"Lucius, Sephtis has been keeping track of them; if anything was wrong, he would have come and told me right away," Azar said, just as Sephtis appeared with a nervous look on his face, making Azar sigh. "I jinxed it," he mumbled.

"What's wrong?" he asked his mate.

"Draco has been attacked at the school. He was injured badly enough to be sent to the mediwing, but the headmaster told him he should just go to the great hall for lunch," Sephtis said, and the other three growled.

"Sephtis, can you go get Viktor? We will floo to Hogwarts," Lucius said, and Sephtis shook his head.

"You can't floo to Hogwarts; when I felt Draco in trouble, I went there and ran into Severus. He said Dumbledore blocked all the floo, no outside communication is allowed at the moment, and I could get in because I am a Deity. Everyone has to report to the great hall for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or else they will be punished. He basically has the castle under full lockdown beside the Gryffindors," Sephtis said, and Azar shook his head.

"OK, take us to Dad's rooms in Hogwarts, then open a portal for Viktor, and I will go through and get him," Azar instructed, and Sephtis nodded.

Once they were in Severus's room, Sephtis opened a portal, but before Azar could step through, Viktor did. "Oh, thank God. The portal opened, and it felt like death; I figured it was you," He said.

They explained what happened to him, minus the pregnancy part, since he still didn't know, and Draco hadn't been able to communicate with him.

The group made their way to the great hall. Viktor was the first to enter and immediately made his way to Draco who was sitting at the end of the Slytherin table closest to the door.

Draco looked shocked, and Viktor growled. He pulled out his wand and waved it over Draco, revealing a large hash on his forehead. Lucius quickly made his way over and healed it. Before turning toward the teacher's table.

"You," He said, pointing his wand out at Dumbledore.

Severus was immediately by his side, nobody saw him when he left the teacher's table. He whispered something in Lucius's ear and the man looked at him before lowering his wand.

"Dumbledore, a child, a student of your school was hurt. And you choose to ignore them because of a so-called war you keep talking about." Tom said glaring at the man who moved around the table.

"It's not a so-called war, Voldemort," Dumbledore hissed and Tom glared.

"It is, as there was never one, to begin with," Tom yelled angrily.


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Word count: 497

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 3 pm

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