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The grim reaper hissed as he leaned in close to Dumbledore. The cloak hood got close to Dumbledore before black mist flowed out and into Dumbledore who started to scream as his eyes glazed over and tried to get away.

He started to shrivel, his body looked like he was losing life, and he crumpled to the floor.

"What did you do to him?" McGonagall exclaimed, rushing over and kneeling down beside the man.

And Septhis only hissed. Azar took a step forward and Sephtis immediately turned to him. Azar went up to him and rested a hand on the cloaked figure's shoulder.

There was a hiss, and the reaper leaned in; Azar closed his eyes as the cloak went over his face, covering him in darkness.

He was confused about what was happening until he felt lips on his. He deepened the kiss before pulling away. Opening his eyes gently, he saw Sephtis standing in front of him, red-faced.

"I'm sorry," The orange-eyed man said and Sephtis tilted his head in confusion. "I know most dominants don't like it when the others come to their aid," he said, and Azar smiled.

"Good thing I'm not one of them," He said, patting Sephtis's head and moving past him to where Dumbledore was still on the floor screaming and whimpering in pain.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"He is suffering all the pain he put you through since you were born. All your years of pain in one day, over and over. The same amount of time he let you suffer, will be how long it will last. Only he's feeling all the pain of everyone he ever hurt. Even if he simply knew about their pain and did nothing he will feel too. He can't die either until that time is up, so for the next 18 years, he'll feel it; when that is up, he'll die," Sephtis said, and Azar nodded his head.

"I would say I feel sorry for you, but it is what you deserve. You think you are doing things for the greater good, you think you know what's best for everyone, and you think you have so much power that you are untouchable. Now you see you aren't," Azar said to Dumbledore, who was being fussed over by the deputy headmistress.

Just then, the door burst open, and some Aurors walked in. They looked around at the students huddled in the back, Severus clinging to Tom and Lucius, Viktor with Draco on his lap, and Dumbledore screaming on the floor.

The Aurors quickly took action, taking statements and finding out what really happened.

By the law though, they couldn't do anything. A God had passed punishment on him and they had no say in it. Dumbledore was taken away, to a room in Saint Mungos where he would live out the rest of his painful days, seeing as nothing could stop the pain.

It was also decided that the rest of the light side would be put on trial to see if they also knew about the abuse of Azar or any other children and did nothing, along with a few other charges.

After everything was done, they were all settled in Malfoy's manor. The submissives were all clinging to their dominant and Azar was getting curious about why the others were clingy.

"Dad," he said, and Severus looked at him. "Is everything alright?" he asked. Severus sighed and sat up from where he was lying across Lucius and Tom's lap.

"I have an announcement," He said, running a hand down his face. "I'm .....pregnant," He said.

It was silent for a while before Viktor spoke. "Congratulations, I am happy for you. I will be happy to babysit anytime you want," he said.

"I don't think you'll have time to babysit when you'll be busy with our own," Draco said, and Viktor looked down at him.

"Why not? I will be...our...own?" he said, and his eyes looked down at Draco's belly before looking back up at his face.

"One month," the blonde said, and Viktor hugged him.

A throat was cleared, and everyone turned to Sephtis. "Don't tell me you're pregnant, too," Azar joked.

"Well, it's not my fault you can't control yourself," he accused, and Azar's eyes grew wide. "I found out two weeks ago; I don't know how to tell you," he mumbled in uncertainty, and Azar scooted closer and pulled himself into his lap.

"I couldn't be happier right now, I always wanted a family. Now I have three dads, a sibling on the way, a brother, brother-in-law, niece/nephew on the way, a mate, and my own kid on the way," He said, pressing his face into Sephtis cheek and rubbing against him. "I love you so much." He said, kissing his cheek.

"I love all of you so much; I'm so happy to have you guys," he said, looking at the group, which rushed from their spots and pulled him into a hug.

"We love you too," They all said.


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Word count: 814

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 4 pm

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