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Azar held Sephtis's hand as he led him through the garden. They hadn't spoken since they got out here an hour ago, and Azar kept glancing back at him to make sure he was OK.

"Master?" The other asked softly and Azar stopped and turned to him.

"Don't call me master, my name is Azar," He told him.

"Azar," Sephtis said softly, and the red-eyed male grinned. "Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Doing what?" Azar asked as he pulled Sephtis over to a bench and sat down, pulling him close to him until they were touching.

"Calling me here just to ask me to go on a walk," the other clarified.

"Well, I was doing some research and talking to my father," Azar stated, "And, I found out that when I die, you will get a new master, might be right after I die or decades after. And, you told me your masters weren't very nice and took advantage of you. So, I did some more research, I found out that if you get mated. That person will always be your master, but because of your mates you'll just be equals." He finished and Sephtis nodded.

"Yes, that is true, but who would want to mate me?" He sighed.

"I would, I am," Azar said, and the other looked at him shocked. "Unless you don't want me to, then you can find someone else, and I will approve of them as long as they treat you right," He said before he was hugged.

"I am honored that you would choose me as your mate," Sephtis whispered, into his shoulder where he had his head buried.

"Good," Azar said, wrapping an arm around him.

They sat there for a while before a house-elf popped up to tell Azar dinner was ready. "I guess I should get going," Sephtis said, pulling away and standing.

"Or you could come to dinner with my family," Azar said.

"I-ok," Sephtis said, and Azar quickly pulled him into the house.

They made it to the dining room and everyone looked up as the two walked into the room.

"Azar? Who is this?" Severus said, looking at the male standing beside his son.

"This is Sephtis," Azar said, pulling the other male over to sit at the table.

"Sephtis," Tom asked, eyeing the other male."It is good to see who is behind the cloak and skeleton figure," he said, and Sephtis grinned at him.

"Hello, Tom; nice to see you outside of my death realm," he said, and Tom rolled his eyes.

"So, your Death?" Severus asked, "What makes you join us today?"

"I asked him to be my mate," Azar said, and Tom started coughing, causing Severus to gently knock his back.

"You did?" Severus asked, and Azar nodded his head.

"That's um, that's nice," Severus said looking unsure, and Azar frowned.

"Is something wrong with that?" He asked, and Severus shook his head quickly.

"No," He said, and Azar frowned.

If Severus was happy For him, why did he seem so sad?


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Word count: 484

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 11 am

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