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Severus made his way into his bedroom and sat heavily on the bed. He leaned forward and dropped his head in his hand.

"My love," Tom said, causing Severus to groan. "What is wrong?" He asked, sitting beside the other.

"Nothing," Severus said, standing and making his way toward the bathroom. He entered and started to strip.

Tom watched as he entered and got up following behind him. He watched from the door as his mate stripped.

Severus dropped his robe and then proceeded to unbutton his shirt. Their eyes met in the mirror and Severus paused. His eyes dipped before he dropped the shirt, revealing his back, chest, and arms that were covered in scars from his childhood and from his years at Hogwarts.

Tom slowly moved towards him and gently placed a hand on his back. He leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on a large scar on the other's shoulder.

"Tom," Severus said softly. The red-eyed man sighed, pulling away and turning to leave, but a hand grabbed him. "Tom," Severus said again.

"It's OK," Tom said, taking Severus's hand and holding it between his. "I know you need alone time right now," he said, giving Severe a small smile that made his heart melt.

"No," Severus said, and Tom raised a brow. "Join me?" he asked, and the others' eyes got wide.

Tom wasted no time in getting undressed and Severus watched in amusement as Tom turned on the shower and turned to him.

Severus walked over to him, turned off the shower, and turned on the faucet filling the bath. Tom looked at him happily as the bath filled and Severus poured in some oils.

Once the bath was filled the onyx-eyed man waited for the red-eyed man to get in before climbing in after him and leaning into his chest.

Tom hesitantly wrapped his hand around Severus and buried his head in his shoulder.

"I thought I would have more than a few weeks with him before he chose a mate," Severus said, as he played with Tom's fingers.

"You can still spend time with him," Tom said, "Him getting a mate doesn't mean he'll leave right away," He told Severus.

They sat there silently for a while before Severus pulled away, turned around, and kissed Tom on the lips. It had been a long time since Severus initiated a kiss, and it made Tom's creature purr that his mate had made the first move.

Severus pulled away and smiled sheepishly at Tom who looked at him lovingly. "Let me wash you," Tom said and proceeded to do as he stated.

After they were done, they dried off and wrapped towels around their waist; Severus blushed as he saw Tom's eyes roaming his body. "You're absolutely gorgeous, you know," Tom said, and Severus blushed again before passing him and entering the bedroom, where he paused.

There in the bed sat Holiday Blancmange, and the door to his bedroom was in motion of being closed.

"Lucius," The dark-haired man called and the door stopped moving and opened again to reveal the blonde man who took one look at him and turned absolutely red.

"Holiday blancmange," Severus said, and Lucius blinked at him slowly before he shook his head.

"Uh, yes," he said, "I saw that you were a bit down at dinner, and I know it cheered you up." He finished, and Severus smiled at him.

"Thank you," He said, but his thanks practically fell on deaf ears as Lucius was now staring at Tom who had just exited the bathroom.

"See something you like," Tom smirked and Severus shot him a warning look as Lucius gulped.

"Sorry," Lucius said, as he quickly exited the room slamming the door behind him.

"You scared him," Severus hissed, slapping Tom's shoulder.

"I didn't; you saw his face," Tom said, walking over and wrapping his arms around Severus's waist, pulling him close. "He will be ours, I promise. It might not be the right time but he will be,"


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Word count: 646

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 11:30 am

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