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The family of five was at platform 9 3/4. They were there to watch Draco and Severus off.

They were both taking the Hogwarts Express. Everyone going to Hogwarts this year had to, from teachers to students. Dumbledore sent out the rule with the letters in the summer.

Azar knew it was pretty sure it was a plot of his, but he couldn't figure out for what.

"Draco, I missed you," A shrill voice came, and they looked over to see Blaise as Pansy came towards them.

Pansy gave Draco a quick hug before looking at the rest of the group. "Oh, hello there," she purred once she saw Azar.

She walked over to him and draped an arm over his shoulder, and immediately, the other four standing there paled and feared for their life.

"P-pansy," Draco said, interrupting her flirting just as Sephtis stepped out of the shadows. "I wouldn't flirt with Azar if I were you," He said, pushing her towards Blaise.

"Aww," the girl pouted at Blaise who saw what was happening and pulled her away.

"Draco, you have to go too," Lucius said to the younger blonde who was now clinging to his arm.

"No," Draco whined, and Lucius sighed.

"Draco," Azar said and the other male shook his head and climbed closer to Lucius.

"Pregnancy does make you clingy," Sephtis said suddenly behind the group.

"WHAT?" Draco yelled, drawing a bit of attention to them.

"Oh, you didn't know," Sephtis said, chuckling nervously and scratching the back of his head.

"N-no," Draco stuttered, resting a hand on his stomach. "Viktor is going to be so happy to hear," He said, grinning.

The train horn blew, and Draco pouted, looking up at Lucius.

"It's your last year, think about that," Lucius said as he gently kissed the other blonde's forehead and pushed him towards the train.

"I'll see you soon," Severus said as he, too, started toward the train, only to be pulled back against Tom's chest.

Tom kissed his cheek, and Lucius kissed the other. "Now you can go," they both said as Tom released him.

Blushing, Severus quickly made his way to the train and looked for Draco. Pants sat beside him questioning him about Azar.

"Look, Pansy, I told you to stay away from him." Draco hissed, and Severus rolled his eyes.

"Draco, drink this," he said, handing Draco a potion. The teen immediately downed it and then made a face at the taste.

"What is that?" He grunted, and Snape shook his head before walking away.

He hated leaving Lucius, Tom, and Azar and not seeing them for a while, but he had to go back to Hogwarts to keep his cover.


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Word count: 427

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 2:30 pm

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