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"Of course, there is," Dumbledore said, and Azar, who was watching closely, could see the sparkle in his eye slowly start to fade the more frustrated the old man got.

"Because you light people keep attacking us, never have we come after you unprovoked. Never have we intentionally killed any of you, mindless followers. We have never met a child suffering under our care light or not, and we have never attacked a child." Tom said and Azar cleared his throat, making his father look back at him.

"What? You're my kid, call it special, or learning in the field," The other man said when he saw his son's raised eyebrows.

"Son?" Dumbledor said, and murmurs went up around the Great Hall.

"I'm sure you are familiar with my son and heir, Azar Riddle," Tom said. Dumbledore's eyes finally completely lost their twinkle, and he grew a little paler.

"It can't be," Dumbledore mumbled to himself. "Severus, how come I wasn't made aware of this?" He asked the potions professor who frowned at him.

Severus glared at the man knowing full well what he was trying to do. If Tom wasn't already aware of his position, Severus would be his enemy now; he would be seen as a traitor to the dark.

"I would not have told you about my son, which you took from us when we returned home," the raven said simply, and Dumbledores's jaw dropped.

"You're the other parent," He whispered but it was still heard across the hall.

"You took him and didn't know who his second parent was?" Lucius finally chipped into the conversation.

"His father was Voldemort. That was enough for me to remove him from that family. He would have grown up to be as evil as the man he stands beside now. The Potters would have raised him to be a hero if they hadn't tried to return him. So they had to be removed," Dumbledore hissed.

"You killed the Potters," Azar accused, and Dumbledore looked over at him.

"My boy, you know what is right. You must defeat him so the world can be at peace." Dumbledore urged.

"I don't think he is the one that needs to be defeated. All these years, I have been avenging my parent's death, parents who weren't even my real ones from the wrong person. What kind of asshole forces someone into a situation to hate and kill their own parents. You're sick." Azar yelled, marching further into the hall.

"I see," Dumbledore nodded before whipping out his wand and shooting a spell at Azar, who blocked it.

A hiss came from behind Azar and the room grew cold and dark. Everyone turned to where the hissing was coming from and saw Sephtis. His eyes were fully black and he almost looked lifeless.

"You," he said, moving forward. He went past Azar and stopped directly in front of Dumbledore, who looked like he was about to pass out. "Attacked my mate," he said, as he completely changed into the grim reaper, causing a few people in the hall to scream and start scrambling towards the door.


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Word count: 505

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 3:30 pm

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