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"Kalayavan Slytherin!!" Azar yelled, looking at his 7-year-old who was floating the other kids above the ground in the garden.

The boy looked at him with orange eyes that glowed when he used his power before slowly lowering the others. There was, Timotei; Viktor and Draco's son. Lukas; Severus, Tom, and Lucius's son.

Kalayavan, otherwise known as Kal, rushed over to Azar's side, taking hold of his four-year-old little brother, Balthazar's hand.

Ever since Balthazar was born Kalayavan has been protective of him. He loves his little brother and Azar couldn't help but find it cute.

"Come on guys, time for lunch," Azar called and the other two came rushing over.

He led them into the manor and into the dining room, where he spotted a pregnant Draco munching on crackers while sitting on Viktor's lap. Lucius and Tom were having a conversation about ministry stuff while Severus sat there silently staring at the wall. It was Yuletide, and all of them were home together.

"Daddy," Lukas said, running to Severus, who picked him up and placed him on his lap while still staring at the wall.

"Severus," Tom said, and the man looked at him. "Are you alright?" he asked, and Severus sighed.

"There is a kid at the school," Severus said, "He's a third-year and has been following me around since his first day when he's not in class. Today, he gave me this," Severus said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small card. Waving his wand he made it normal-sized.

"The World's best mentor and teacher." Tom read. "What's so bad about that?" he asked.

"I never knew he looked up to me. He's a Gryffindor, and they don't like him. I normally let Remus deal with them. I always said hello when he appeared. I'd let him help me with potions, and he would hang around the office. I'd help him with his homework and let him sleep in my rooms when he had nightmares, but I never thought I was his mentor," Severus said.

"Severus, all those things you just said you did for him is what made you his mentor," Lucius said, and Severus raised a brow.

"Maybe," He mumbled.

"What's the kid's name anyway?" Azar asked.

"Loticas Mithup," Severus answered and Azar nodded his head.

"Oh, he's the orphanage kid whose parents died a few years ago in a muggle car accident," Azar said, remembering when he went into the hospital to meet him; as head Auror, he wanted to follow such a sensitive case.

"Orphan?!" Severus exclaimed, "That explained why he asked to spend Christmas with me and my family," he said, and the others looked at him.

"What did you tell him?" Lucius asked as the floo rang out.

"Professor?" An unfamiliar voice called, and they all smiled at Severus, who quickly stood and made his way to the other room.

"He always acts so heartlessly, when he was the big one of all," Tom said, shaking his head and getting up to follow his mate.


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Word count: 488

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 4:30 pm

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