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Tom sighed as he felt Severus enter the wards of their home. Standing from his chair behind his desk he made his way out of the office and to the library.

Entering the library, he spotted the dark man sitting in his usual seat by the window. It's where he spent the majority of his days. Ever Since Azar was taken Severus had shut down.

It took years for him to get his mate to open up again.

Two years before he got to spend his rut with his mate, and that was only because Severus's vampire couldn't spend any more heat alone.

Five years before they slept in their bedroom together, and for Severus to open up and start trying again, he still didn't fully do that. Now and then he would pull into himself and shut Tom out, which was still very often.

He knew that was one reason he took the job at Hogwarts: to avoid having to come home very often.

"Severus," Tom said, and others turned to look at him.

"We missed another birthday," Severus said in his now always monotone voice, and Tom sighed.

Severus always maintained the same tone of voice, never smiled, and spent most of his time locked away in his potion lab, never eating.

Walking over here, he sat down next to Severus and took his hands in his. "I know," he said, rubbing his palms. "I'll find him, no matter what," he said, and Severus sighed, pulling away.

"It's been eighteen years," He said, "If I hadn't left him alone that day we would still have our son,"

"It's not your fault, Severus," Tom said, "You had no way of knowing what was going to happen, you didn't know they would attack." He said, standing. "Now, come on. Lucius just apparated in, and I think he had company," He said, and Severus stood as well.

They exited the library and went down to the living room, where Lucius waited with Draco and an unfamiliar person.

"Lucius, who is this?" Tom asked, and the younger male spun around making them both freeze.

"Y-y..." Severus stuttered before his eyes rolled back in his head, and he fainted. It was lucky Tom caught him before he hit the ground.

Tom lifted him to the couch and turned to Azar. He stared at him until Lucius cleared his throat.

"Stop staring at him; you're going to scare him," Lucius said, and Tom blinked before moving closer and hugging Azar.

"I missed you so much," He whispered, hugging him tighter.

Severus groaned as he sat up. "Azar," he muttered softly, opening his eyes, and looking over at the younger man.

Standing, he stumbled over to Azar before hugging him. Azar felt something on his shoulders and frowned. Snape, the dungeon bath, was crying into his shoulder.

Lucius took Draco's hand and silently pulled him out of the room. Giving the family some privacy.

Severus pulled away, wiping his eyes. "You're so big; you look like Tom," he whispered, cupping Azar's cheeks and squishing his face.

"Severus, he needs to breathe," Tom said, and Severus released his cheeks.

"I'm just happy to have you back," Severus said, smiling at him.

Just then, Azar's stomach growled. "I'm sorry. I have been so nervous meeting you and my test today that I forgot to eat," he said shyly, and Tom chuckled.

"Then let's go eat," Severus said, pulling him out of the room and to the dining room where dinner was already set up and waiting for them.


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Word count: 566

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 8:30 am

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