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Lucius was in the garden, he was sitting on the ground by the fountain with his arm over the edge and his fingers in the clear water.

"Whatever are you doing down there?" A voice said behind him and Lucius spun around quickly to see Tom and Severus standing behind him.

"Oh, I was just enjoying the outdoors," he said, blushing as he looked up at them.

"As were we," Tom said, as the couple moved to sit on the edge of the fountain.

"Oh," He said, looking away from the two.

Since Narcissa left, the Malfoy manor has been lonely. She had gotten tired of Lucius not giving her the attention she needed and went looking for it somewhere else. When she found it, she demanded a divorce and left with her new lover.

Draco had been upset on his father's behalf, telling Narcissa she should have gotten a divorce before cheating.

Lucius was just happy that whenever he thought of mating her, his veela strongly disagreed.

He felt a hand in his hair and looked back to see Severus sitting closer to him. "You seem lost in thought. Are you OK?" he asked.

"I'm fine, just a lot going on at work," he said, sighing as he leaned into Severus's touch.

Draco watched his father from the window where he stood in the library with Azar.

"Your dad looks like a puppy when my dad scratches his head," he said and Draco chuckled.

"Father wishes he would scratch more than just his head," he said, and Azar raised a brow at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My father has been in love with your parents since Hogwarts, but he never got the chance with either because of the marriage contract to my mother," Draco told him. The other male looked out the window in shock to see Lucius walking away from his parents with a sad look on his face.

"How do you know that?" He asked the blonde.

"He told me," Draco sighed as Viktor came into the room. "Well, I have a date with my mate. I'll see you later," He said, going to the other male.

Azar stood by himself in the library before smiling to himself. "Sephtis," He called. And the man appeared right away.

"Yes, Master?" He said, bowing slightly.

"Take a walk with me," He said, grabbing Sephtis's hand and pulling him out of the room, and out of the manor into the garden.


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Word count: 395

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 10:30 am

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