Meet Her

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     Aizawa spoke normally, explaining rules and procedures of the school.  Misako continued to stare out the window at the birds and trees outside.  She wanted to take a picture of it, but she didn't have her camera.  
     Aizawa then forces them all up, leading them to the changing rooms.  They were told to change into their provided gym uniforms which they were would find in their assigned lockers.  For today, they had signs on them with their names on it, and their passcode to the locker was contained inside it's currently cracked open door.  
     Misako sat on the gym bench, legs crossed, tapping away on her phone set down.  She didn't want them to worry about her camera being on in the changing room.  As the last of them trickled out, she stood with a stretch and then happily tore off the school's gray blazer and navy green skirt.  She sighed to herself, feeling much more comfortable in the skintight outfit she wore.  A cropped tanktop that wormed up her neck in a turtleneck-type collar and waist-high shorts that reached halfway down her thighs.  She clicks her phone again to see her father had texted her, telling her to get outside and that she better be wearing the uniform.  She smirked to herself as she pulled a green U.A. branded sweater out of the locker and dropped it over her form.  She pinched her lips as she looked down at herself, opting to put the skirt back on since the shorts looked weird without their matching top.  Then she shuffled her way outside.  Sure, she needed to wear something of the uniform, but what could he say about the sweater?
     None of the students seeme to notice that she was missing as they were already halfway through Aizawa's monologue about physical tests and quirks and expulsions.  She hummed something of annoyance to herself as she wandered along the side of the building and sat on a bench.  She catches Kirishima's eye and then Todoroki's, giving both of them a small smile.  They had already been told by Principal Nezu to act mostly neutral around her for the first while.  
     So she sat and did as she was told.  Observe.  The first test they did was a ball throw.  When Midoriya stood on the mat, he stood for long enough to get yelled, just pondering.  Then he threw the ball, his pointer finger going purple at the little bit of power he used.  Clearly, it was ravaging his body each time he used, and she felt a little impressed he had figured out to utilize it with minimal damage.  That was a good mindset for a professional to have.  
     Then the blond jumps forward, seemingly angry.  She wondered what it was about, but if she had to guess, she'd probably say the sudden development of a very evident quirk.  It's not very often that people suddenly have a quirk at 15 after being quirkless their whole life, and it was also uncommon for people to have quirks so mimimal that you could see such a big difference in a matter of months.  He knew something had changed.  

     The results were revealed and the class jittered.  She watched intently, waiting for one or more of the students to be told to leave.  Then she shrugged.  Aizawa must have thought it was too early to decide on any of these particular students and not cut anyone.  That was notable.  
     He sent them off back to the classroom as he began along the building's edge.  She stands as he comes closer, giving him a thumbs up.  
     "That was cool, tou-san," Misako hums.  He gave her a tired expression.  
     "You wore the sweater?"  She glances down and then laughs, already having forgotten her minor rebellion.  
     "Yeah.  It looks better."  She threw up her leg in a kick and held out a peace sign in a childish pose.  
     "There's more inside so you should head back."  She nods her head as her body returns to normal.  
     "You should head home, tou-san.  You seem more tired than usual.  Get some rest."  He shrugs as he walks past.  She pinches her lips at his denial, then heads in towards the classroom.  

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