Dark is the Night

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     Misako panted as she stared into the hospital room.  She was seconds from a panic attack.  The moment she had heard Aizawa was in the hospital, she'd run over, almost fainting along the way.  She knew it must be bad, and it was.  
     She wobbles forward on trembling legs.  His entire face was set in a huge plaster cast as well as both of his arms from his hands to his shoulders.  Misako stands over his bed with shaky hands.  She places them on top of her father's shin.  
     "I'm here, tou-san," she whispers, voice too hoarse to speak as much as she wanted.  She looks up as Yamada and Shinso run into the room, equally worried.  Yamada was already crying as he held onto his husband's thigh.  
     "Baby, baby, I'm here," he says quietly.  He didn't want any potentially homophobic passerbyers to hear him.  Misako quickly moves to go close to the hospital door so her parents could be open with each other as Shinso takes her place by the side of the bed.  She settles at it's end.  
     "What happened, itou-san?" Shinso asks as he looks up at his blond father.  "Do you know?"  
     "The building was attacked, wasn't it?" Misako mumbles.  Yamada nods.  
     "Let's not talk about this here, your father is recovering."  The hospital door opens and Yamada gives a pained glance at his lover's covered face before stepping away from him.  He places an arm over Misako's shoulder.  
     "Hello," woman greets as she steps in.  "You all are immediate family, correct?  Sir?" she asks.  
     "I'm a family friend, but I'm the children's godfather, and I'm his medical guardian," Yamada says smoothly.  She looks down at the chart and nods her head.  It was strange to give his guardianship to his friend, but with his only two kids being teenagers, seemingly no wife, and potentially no family, it wasn't the first time she'd seen it happen.  
     "I see," she breathes.  "I'm here to give you a short rundown on what's happening.  Your friend and father here came in with severe injuries to his skull and arms.  He will have to stay here for a few days in this hard-cast for a week or so.  Then he can be discharged, but he will need to stay at home, so it's your choice.  If you do leave, he will return in a couple of months to get changed into a soft-cast, and will be discharged.  We will discuss those more nuanced physical restrictions at a later date when we can determine his limitations properly."  
     The family listen attentively.  Misako smiled a little at the fluffy and bright clouds outside.  

     Misako sits quietly at the table.  There was little light in the house.  The moon shone through the window behind her and a blinding white seeped from under the door to the basement.  She could only stare blankly at the wall.  She knew she needed to eat soon, but she wondered how bad it could really be if she let herself faint.  How long would it take for someone to find her?  
     She sighs to herself and stands up.  It was all too much, but she did need to eat.  If not for herself, than for all of the people who counted on her.  
     She opens the door to the large walk-in pantry.  It was lined with drawers with space for small placards.  She crouchs down in the tight space, looking at a drawer she didn't touch too often. 
     Tanaka Haruto 
     Water control  -  Minor
Misako pulls the drawer out, deciding it was fine.  Inside were slices of jerky, individually vaccuum sealed.  She grabs a large handful before exiting the pantry.  She stops in the dining room to cut open each packet and place them on a plate, then she drops herself onto her couch.  She was careful to not touch the book Shinso had lended her with the hand she was eating with as she skimmed the overcast pages. 
     It was a gripping murder mystery novel, her favorite genre, but after rereading the same paragraph three times, she drops the book onto her lap and throws her head back.  She just couldn't focus on anything.  She was so worried about her father and about her classmates.  It'd been almost six weeks since the incident, so she knew she shouldn't be all that concerned.  Aizawa was going to be discharged soon, and nothing had happened since then.  If the attack hadn't happened, the only thing she'd be stressed over was having to participate in the Sports Festival.  
     Still, she was.  He was going back home.  As much as he'd never admit it, Yamada's loud snoring kept him up quite often.  He was often tired and took frequent naps.  It was the reason he'd shifted his sleep schedule to be nearly 3 hours earlier than Yamada's.  Yamada knew, as any good partner would, and he had tried various things to minimize his disturbance and help Aizawa sleep.  They'd even tried sleeping in different rooms, but after their nearly 15-year relationship, it was an impossible task to get any sleep without the other.  
     Sometimes, it made Aizawa jealous of his daughter, and often, it made Misako guilty.  She never slept and she never had to.  There wasn't really any reason for her to other than passing time.  It gave her no energy, it didn't help her brain process memories any better, she didn't get tired or groggy or upset if she didn't.  
     Aizawa had tried to stay home after his mandatory week-long stay in the hospital, but it was uncomfortable to sleep in his bed.  It was hard seeing Yamada next to him, wishing he could ask him to at least drape a leg over his because it wouldn't hurt, but he couldn't in the hard cast.  His jaw was immobilized, and his ever-caring husband was terrified of causing him any pain at all.  That coupled with the snoring he had never been able to completely rid himself of and Aizawa just wasn't healing nearly as fast as he should've.  
     They'd made the difficult decision to move him back to the hospital.  There, he could fall asleep and stay that way.  The family made sure to visit him regularly, usually stopping by once a day.  Yamada made sure he was there in the evening at the very least, and he'd sit in silence holding Aizawa's hand until he finally passed out.  When he was sure he was okay, Yamada would go home.  

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