Marry the Beast

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     Misako smiles, tilting her head at him.  He could only return a small sneer as he narrowed his eyes.  
     "Why bother to learn how to cook when you can't eat any of it?"  She laughs, and then laughs again, her hair almost dropping into the sink.  She rinses the last plate with a grin and then steps forward to dry her hands.  
     "That's what's bugging you so much?" she asks lightly.  He shrugs.  
     "It pisses me off when people are good at things for no reason."  She perks up, standing straight and putting her hands on her hips.  
     "So I cook well?"  He sighs and drops his shoulder.  
     "Sure.  But why?"  He could see the excitement in her eyes at his confession.  She takes a moment to stare to the side and think of her answer.  Then she shrugs.  
     "Well, I still plan on getting married, Katsuki.  It's an important skill."  Bakugo didn't know how to respond so he didn't.  He'd never really thought about Misako getting married.  Sure, he'd figured most of his classmates might end up that way, but the images of Misako in a wedding dress made him feel uneasy.  
     "What's the point in that?" he grumbles.  
     "Even before then, I think it's an important piece of culture that brings me closer to my peers," she begins again, ignoring his question.  "Cooking is an ability that can used anywhere at any time to impress and gain favor with people you want to have favor with.  Like today.  Bringing my food and culture to people's tables to expand on the thing they do every day, hopefully multiple times a day, is a unique and enjoyable experience.  Even you enjoy it!  I saw your face when you ate that Blini.  They're delicious."  
     "But getting married?" he asks again.  He wanted to know.  She didn't quite seem the type, at least not right now, but it also angered him.  Most high level pro-heroes didn't get into relationships and there was a reason for that.  It took up too much time and attention and would cloud their mind on the battlefield.  She already had some big beasts to compete with and if she was just picturing her dream guy or whatever, she'd get killed.  

     Misako sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and turning to lean back on the counters.  Her head stayed down as her shoulders rocked side to side.  
     "Someone like me will have to, one day," is all she answered with.  Bakugo cocked an eyebrow at her, almost wanting to scream in her face asking what kind of excuse that was.  
     "What the fuck does that mean?"  She looks over and smiles at him.  He could only recoil in response to the tears in her eyes.  
     "I don't want to get married," she says calmly.  "But marriage would mean I've fixed myself up finally.  Some personal stuff.  I could never get married as I am now, so marriage would mean I've grown.  My only hope is that they won't intrude in my life too much, or kill me."  She laughs lightly at the end, looking away again.  She seemed to curl into herself as she hunched over.  "I probably won't ever anyway.  I'm not someone people like to be around.  And, I mean, I'm not very easy on the eyes."  
     Bakugo glances at her, wondering if she meant her skin, her eyes, her hair, or her body overall.  Either way, he couldn't say he necessarily agreed, but he figured it was because he didn't pay much attention to girls.
     "But if I ever want to get over my past and move on, I'll need to get married.  So I'm hoping I can find someone who's decent and absent.  And cooking is a good skill to know to find someone like that.  Absent people like to leech, so the more I give them to leech off of, the more they'll leave me alone."  

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