Striped Slit

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     Bakugo woke up to knocking, an increasing frequent occurence.  What was not frequent was waking up in Misako's bed.  
     He looks around as he sits up before fulling remembering the evening prior.  He'd gone to bed so soon, and hadn't turned a light on at all.  This was his first time seeing her room in proper lighting and not through moonbeams.  He quickly gets out of the plush bed that was shockingly comfortable, a much better experience than the cheap dorm furniture they were provided.  
     He looks around as he begins toward the door.  The walls in here were the same navy blue as the rest of the house, but featured two wavy gold lines running around the room at his shoulder height.  There was a closed door on one wall leading to walk-in closet she had mentioned previously in addition to the en suite bathroom whose door was proped open on the same wall.  In the corner between the twin doors and the one on the adjoined wall leading out to the hallway that she was currently in was a hanging rope basket full of stuffed animals suspended high up on the wall.  
     He unlocks and pulls open the door, greeted quickly by her bright smile glittering in the sunlight filtering through the window behind him.  
     "Morning," she greets cheerfully as she takes a small step back.  "Sorry to wake you up.  It's 11:30, and I didn't want to let you sleep in too long."  He nods his head before yawning through his nose.  
     "We're going to the hospital, right?"  She nods her head.  
     "Yeah.  If you want me to come.  I've got breakfast for you to eat on the way."  

     He follows her out into the living room.  She detours to grab the food she prepared from the kitchen before coming to the tiled entryway.  She pulls on her shoes after him as he reaches into the sack and begins to eat immediately.  He would need the food.  
     There was a hospital relatively close, not even needing to use the subway.  Misako sat outside on a bench, her novel already propped open as Bakugo went inside.  He was out soon enough—the longest part was them calling the police to confirm the pellet in his leg was actually from a hero mission and not a crime.  Misako was still reading peacefully when he got out.  
     She didn't look up immediately, and he took a few moments to look her over.  The afternoon sun shone directly onto her gray skin, almost turning it green.  Her right leg was tossed over her left, letting the flare of her corsetted white pants dangle in breeze.  She was again wearing a cropped sweater, this one striped brown and white as it ringed her chest.  Her stomach was exposed from her navel to her ribs, letting the bottom two bones show themselves just slightly when she yawned and stretched her back against the bench.  She had pulled her hair back at some point into a small, low ponytail the mixed together her white and magenta.  A small chunk didn't manage to make it in, and he watched as it blew in her face and she delicately moved it behind her exposed ear with her sharp black nail, not minding her sleeve slipping down her arm.  
     She was just so serene, resting there.  Mystical, even.  Bakugo wasn't convinced she was only human.  A deity was a better descriptor for her, bouncing her hanging foot with a clean white sneaker on it.  She was—
     "Oh, Katsuki!"  She grins as she jumps up, her teeth as white as her ironed slacks.  She takes a second to look down at her book and slip in a bookmark before coming over to him.  "How did it go?"  
     "Well.  Wasn't too complicated, thankfully."  She nods cheerfully.  
     "That's good.  What took so long?" she questions as she stops, now close.  He starts turning away and she matches him.  
     "They had to call the police.  Not too common to have bullets in your leg."  She nods her head as they begin down the circular sidewalk.  She looks over at the last few flowers remaining in the beds surrounding the area.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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